Thursday, January 31, 2013

Free Market Reforms to Healthcare Never Considered by Governors Office

While the governor's office pretends to have no other option but to sacrifice us on the collectivist altar of Obamacare, to offer us bound and sedated to big medicine and the Federal bureaucracy, Otter has never seemed to want to explore any other options. Dr. Loel Fenwick, a nationally prominent physician, has proposed free market reforms that would put the power back into the hands of the patients and doctors. He knows medicine inside and out and makes the case for being able to stop the escalating medical costs threatening the solvency of our household and national budgets. The Roberts decision made it clear that the states do not have to yield to the "Federal blandishments" and can reject this federal power grab, so call your state legislators and encourage them to stand with the people against this big medicine/big government takeover.

Check This Out

Gun Rights Across America - Idaho::

Monday, January 28, 2013

Oppose Gun Ban

Rand Paul makes it easy at this link to voice opposition to the infringement of our 2nd Amendment rights.
Stop the Feinstein's Gun Ban!::

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Latah GOP Lincoln Day

Latah County GOP's Lincoln Day is scheduled to feature a debate between Gov. Butch Otter and IFF's Wayne Hoffman on the merits of a state Health Exchange. The date is Feb. 9, the location is the University Best Western. To sign up go to:

The Wildlands Project

Also known as Agenda 21, or the agenda for the 21st Century, this UN originated strategy needs to be understood by the average American. It is no accident that it becomes more and more challenging to make a living in rural areas due to things like the introduced Canadian Wolves, Spotted Owl, or potentially Giant Palouse Earthworms and more. This short video introduces the master plan to depopulate America. I am afraid that there is more than sympathy for this agenda in the US Fish and Wildlife, the Forest Service, and other Federal Agencies. Remember that while politicians come and go, the real force of government comes to bear through these bureaucracies that are deeply entrenched and never have to face the voters.
Wildlands Project - YouTube::

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Banksters Make Record Earnings

One result of the reckless financial policies by the Fed as it liquidates the real economy is that wealth is tranferred to its friends in places like the big investment banks. Financial assets inflate, big money changes hands, commissions are made, government debt is financed, housing market is kept on life support, and the financial wizards generate unbelievable earnings while main street lines up for food stamps, and factories rust. This is the problem with the welfare state. This is where the real welfare goes, to places like Goldman.
Goldman staff to get average £250,000 payout - Telegraph::

Wolves Destoying Rural Ranching

Wolf stats letter 011312.doc::

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

History on Governments Dissarming Citizens

Innocents Betrayed - YouTube::


With Congress so busy with other things, we really need to thank the lobbyists and special interest groups who really get things done in DC for the people. I just wish I could find out exactly who to thank for Obamacare. The Pharmaceuticals? Blue Cross? Who wrote the 2700 pages? Who is currently writing the tax code? Who is shacking up with who in DC? Who really benefits? Who really gets hurt?
Uncle Jay Explains the News - September 3, 2007 - YouTube::

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Flu Shots and Alzheimers

"If an individual has had 5 consecutive flu shots between 1970 - 1980 (the years of the study) his/her chance of developing Alzheimer's Disease is 10 times greater than if they had 1, two or no shots." When asked why, Dr. Fudenberg stated that it is due to the mercury and aluminum buildup that is in EVERY flu shot (and in almost all childhood shots). The gradual mercury and aluminum buildup in the brain causes cognitive dysfunction. Dr. Fudenberg's comments above were from his speech at the NVIC International Vaccine Conference, Arlington VA September, 1997.
Study shows those getting flu shots have higher chance of Alzheimer::

Friday, January 11, 2013

Sharp Young Man

Ben Shapiro: History Is Replete With Democracies Going Tyrannical | RealClearPolitics::

Thursday, January 10, 2013

When Russians Lost Their Arms

Here is a warning from Russia and its history to never give our arms up.
Americans never give up your guns - English

Idaho Law on Right to Keep and Bear Arms

Here is the critical text: During the continuance of any proclaimed state of extreme emergency, insurrection or martial law, neither the governor nor any agency of any governmental entity or political subdivision of the state shall impose additional restrictions on the lawful possession, transfer,
6 sale, transport, storage, display or use of firearms or ammunition.
H0229.pdf (application/pdf Object)::

Monday, January 7, 2013

Gun Appreciation Day

It seems there are two groups that really hate gun rights: criminals and politicians. Put a little fear in both by celebrating your right to carry.
‘Gun Appreciation Day’ planned close to inauguration | Gun Appreciation Day | January 19, 2013::

Sunday, January 6, 2013

We are cutting back!!!

We are cutting back and you may want to also....
We're going to bite the bullet, too!!!!
President Obama ordered the cabinet to cut $100,000,000.00 ($100 million)
from the $3,500,000,000,000.00 ($3.5 trillion) federal budget.
I'm so impressed by this sacrifice that I have decided to
do the same thing with my personal budget. I spend about $3,000 a month on
groceries, household expenses, medicine, utilities, etc., but it's time to
get out the budget cutting axe, go through my expenses, and cut back.

I'm going to cut my spending at exactly the same ratio (1/35,000) of my
total budget. After doing the math, it looks like instead of spending
$3,000 a month, I'm going to have to cut that number by nine cents. Yes,
I'm going to have to get by with $2999.91, but that's what sacrifice
is all about.

I'll just have to do without some things,
that are, frankly, luxuries – nine cents worth.

Did this President actually think no one would do the math? Do people
really understand how idiotic a $100 million cut is in a $3.5 trillion
budget – ludicrous!!!!!!!

"There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation...
One is by sword...The other is by debt."
John Adams 1826

(Author unknown)