The debt crisis rolls forward with more bail-outs needed just to kick the can down the road a little further. At some point it will become too obviously unsustainable and the dominoes will fall. America is in the line up, it may be the last and biggest domino, but it also has the biggest load.
Stricken Portugal 'lacks the cash to meet debt payments' - Telegraph:
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
A few years ago when fuel prices spiked and Americans borrowed to cover basics, it caused GDP numbers to rise because of the increased spending. It was, of course, sold as economic growth by the liberal media and government/public institution economists. Don't be surprised to see the same thing happening now, as we circle our financial drain.
US consumers use savings to pay for basics - Telegraph:
US consumers use savings to pay for basics - Telegraph:
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
This article recounts America's deliberate nuclear contamination experiment here in the Pacific Northwest. In it "thousands upon thousands of workers, residents and farmers were deliberately contaminated -- for testing purposes." The federally conducted experiment called "Green Run" was apparently to see how nuclear contamination would affect a human population. And we want to give this government more power? At least what is happening in Japan is an accident.
America's Atomic Time Bomb: Hanford Nuclear Waste Still Poses Serious Risks - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International:,1518,752944,0....html
America's Atomic Time Bomb: Hanford Nuclear Waste Still Poses Serious Risks - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International:,1518,752944,0....html
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
Just a little more disclosure on who helped write/promote Obamacare or fund the campaigns of its sponsors.
$5B Hollywood Handout Bankrupting Obamacare:
$5B Hollywood Handout Bankrupting Obamacare:
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
While most people would not term this an optimistic article, optimistic it is because it assumes that the world's governments will do what they refused to do in the good times, which is take the following advice: "All countries should avoid competitive devaluation of their currencies". In reality it is a race to the bottom for currencies, with no indication that the world's governments are capable of fiscal restraint.
Video: Trafalgar Square becomes a battleground - Telegraph:
Video: Trafalgar Square becomes a battleground - Telegraph:
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
It looks like the Marxists are making their move in England. If we imposed austerity here, would we fair any better? And what happens if we do not? Are we any less dependent on public assistance with 44 million on food stamps, unemployment becoming a chronic state, growing Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid rolls?
Video: Trafalgar Square becomes a battleground - Telegraph:
Video: Trafalgar Square becomes a battleground - Telegraph:
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
This just considers public debt, doesn't address US corporate and private.
US Finances Rank Near Worst in the World: Study - CNBC:
US Finances Rank Near Worst in the World: Study - CNBC:
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
The Middle East is a civilization fracturing along Sunni-Shia sectarian lines. If it crumbles into chaos, how will the rest of the world do? And why are international union leader promoting more chaos from London to Wisconsin while their leaders talk of it being an opportune time? And what will replace capitalism if Soros and friends win?
Syria unleashes force on protesters demanding freedom as unrest spreads | World news | The Guardian:
Syria unleashes force on protesters demanding freedom as unrest spreads | World news | The Guardian:
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
As Alasdair Macleod said in this article: "This is the principal danger to international stability currently posed by the world’s reserve currency, and government finances in the US today are so bad that it has no political option but to continue with monetary inflation in accelerating quantities. Furthermore, the Keynesian mindset justifies this flood of money as the only appropriate response to a stalling economy. These circumstances lead us to conclude that the current emerging period of stagflation can only be followed by hyperinflation, not just for the US dollar, but for all paper currencies. And when inflation rises to, say, thirty per cent, interest rates will be at least in the upper teens or twenties."
FinanceAndEconomics: archive/2011.03.25 Inflation_and_equities.htm
FinanceAndEconomics: archive/2011.03.25 Inflation_and_equities.htm
Friday, March 25, 2011
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
Anyone who has not read the Communist Manifesto should. What the left carefully supports with their silence, much of the right remains willfully ignorant of.
The Sound of Silence: Media Ignores Stephen Lerner’s Revolutionary Plan to Bring Down US Economy | The Blaze:
The Sound of Silence: Media Ignores Stephen Lerner’s Revolutionary Plan to Bring Down US Economy | The Blaze:
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
Obama's on his own on this one.
Libya war: Germans pull forces out of NATO as Libyan coalition falls apart | Mail Online:
Libya war: Germans pull forces out of NATO as Libyan coalition falls apart | Mail Online:
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
The world's powerful nations openly commit to manipulate currencies. If you manipulate currencies, you manipulate everything they buy. Don't blame the free market when it all unravels!
Currency market rigging on a vaster scale than ever | Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee:
Currency market rigging on a vaster scale than ever | Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee:
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
Utah begins to protect its citizens from monetary indiscretion and fraud.
FT notices gold's rise in favor, Fed's fall, if ever patronizingly | Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee:
FT notices gold's rise in favor, Fed's fall, if ever patronizingly | Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee:
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
The founder of the Liberty Dollar has lost in court, and to the media it is a non-event. This official and legal assault on freedom and move to protect the fraud of the dollar reflects a very different understanding of law than America held for its first 100+ years. Here is a quote by Blackstone: "This is what is called the law of nature, which, being coeval with mankind, and dictated by God himself, is, of course superior in obligation to any other. It is binding over all the globe, in all countries at all times. No human laws are of any validity, if contrary to this; and such of them as are valid, derive all their authority, mediately or immediately, from this original." This concept that left government bound by the law just like the rest of us is what gives limited, lawful government. Once we abandon it, government is free to do whatever it needs to do to benefit or, as in this case, protect itself.
Money on Trial - Casey Research:
Money on Trial - Casey Research:
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
whether James is right or not, there is no doubt that the dollar is behaving with a weakness during crisis that we have not seen before in our lifetimes. The only question is, will its slide towards its intrinsic value be orderly or disorderly?
My Blog:
My Blog:
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
Editorial on the conviction of the Liberty Dollar issuer:
A ‘Unique’ Form of ‘Terrorism’ - March 20, 2011 - The New York Sun:
A ‘Unique’ Form of ‘Terrorism’ - March 20, 2011 - The New York Sun:
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
Threaten the fraud of the dollar and this is what you get. The confiscation of millions in real money and decades in prison.
Liberty Dollar creator convicted in federal court | The Asheville Citizen-Times |
Liberty Dollar creator convicted in federal court | The Asheville Citizen-Times |
Monday, March 21, 2011
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
Running a worldwide ministry serving desperately poor or suffering around the world makes Franklin as well informed as just about anyone on the realities of life under Sharia. Has America really rejected the fundamental ideas that lead to limited government, individual rights, and rule of law? Do we really want to finish remaking ourselves based on Darwinian/Marxist assumptions and completely embrace socialism/communism, or maybe embrace the totalitarian civil order of Islam? I pray that America rediscover its roots that got wrapped firmly around Christian liberty.
Franklin Graham: World’s Christians in Grave Danger:
Franklin Graham: World’s Christians in Grave Danger:
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
Petrobras gets the green light from the Obama administration to start production in the Gulf of Mexico. You've got to wonder, as this (partly) foreign government owned company begins deep water production off our coast, if our private sector American companies and their employees are back to work yet. Eliminating the Dept. of Energy would not only cut the federal budget, but would immediately stimulate a very important part of our economy, the part which supplies what the rest runs on.
Petrobras First to Use FPSO in U.S. Gulf of Mexico | Offshore Energy Today:
Petrobras First to Use FPSO in U.S. Gulf of Mexico | Offshore Energy Today:
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
While the Old Testament condemns using dishonest weights and measures to rob the unsuspecting, the issuers of fiat currencies have improved on the scam even more. By cranking up the digital presses they not only rob those who would use the currency in present and future exchanges, but all those who hold dollar denominated debt that was obtained in past exchanges. It would take a long article just to detail most of the ways that fiat currencies serve almost unrestrained government growth, but here is one that cracks the door on that subject just a tad.
Hillsdale College - Imprimis Issue:
Hillsdale College - Imprimis Issue:
Friday, March 18, 2011
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
Another independent financial giant issue his warning. Are there any who haven't? He seems to question the feds ability to create wealth ex nihilo. Seems to believe that the financial landscape is shaped periodically by catastrophic events.
Headline : March 16, 2011 : Does Japan Mean QE3? - Part Two [03-16-11 1:15 PM]:
Headline : March 16, 2011 : Does Japan Mean QE3? - Part Two [03-16-11 1:15 PM]:
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
And Alasdair Macleod doesn't even mention "mark to market" rule suspension in this article on the penniless future of fractional reserve banking.
FinanceAndEconomics: archive/22011.03.17 Money_to_metals.htm
FinanceAndEconomics: archive/22011.03.17 Money_to_metals.htm
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
This is a fight over how fast to accelerate towards the cliff.
U.S. Debt Jumped $72 Billion Same Day U.S. House Voted to Cut Spending $6 Billion |
U.S. Debt Jumped $72 Billion Same Day U.S. House Voted to Cut Spending $6 Billion |
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
The Japanese need to learn from Bernanke how to do this with a little less transparency. This is currency destruction and market manipulation with no moral parameters. The citizen who spends his entire income on food helps prop up the markets for those who have made the choice to engage in market risk.
Today's Nikkei Plunge Protection Invoice: ¥5 Trillion (For Now) | zero hedge:
Today's Nikkei Plunge Protection Invoice: ¥5 Trillion (For Now) | zero hedge:
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
Geithner insists we must dig the debt hole deeper or we will never see the light of day.
Geithner says Congress must raise debt limit | Reuters:
Geithner says Congress must raise debt limit | Reuters:
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
Debt's burden sits like ice on a ship's superstructure. World governments desperately try to keep their ships of state from rolling over without ever chipping any of the ice that is causing the imbalance. But waves will come and will be blamed, while in reality the blame rests with the captain and crew who failed to do their job of keeping a sea-worthy vessel.
Commentary: Perfect global storm -
Commentary: Perfect global storm -
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
While the charts show gold and silver relentlessly advancing, they are based on a rubber standard. It is currencies that are being stretched, not gold or silver growing in value. The masses are beginning to see through the illusion which their puppeteers, the stewards of the currencies, have created. Will the establishment manage to maintain its matrix of fiat currencies, laws and lies? The real issue surrounding fiat currencies is the fact that fiat currencies allow entirely undisciplined public spending until the government in question overplays its hand and destroys the value that public sentiment assigns to the currency in question.
My Blog:
My Blog:
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
The world-wide debt/fiat currency crisis continues its irresistible course. The oligarchs sell it as a liquidity crisis and create more debt in order to meet interest payments on prior debt and maintain other spending simultaneously. This article points out the Euro's weakness in dollar terms, but the dollar itself is a quivering old man strapped to an oxygen bottle. It looks like the Euro is out front in this race to the bottom, but we could still overtake her since the world's reservoirs are full of our currency and our trading partners seem to be looking for the plug.
Euro crisis is far from over – what the experts are saying - Telegraph:
Euro crisis is far from over – what the experts are saying - Telegraph:
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
Whether QEII is followed by a third installment or not, Jim Rickards explains that "the Fed's balance sheet is now so vast that the reinvestment of principal payments from the existing assets will be enough to monetize a large portion of the Federal deficit without having to increase the total size of the balance sheet." Isn't it interesting that the left, which is always calling on us to follow the lead of other countries over some socialist cliff, is suddenly tone deaf to the protests of all our trading partners. It is the conservatives and tea party folks who join the rest of the world in protesting the Obama/Bernanke heist.
My Blog:
My Blog:
Friday, March 11, 2011
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
Ultimately fiat currencies depend on the force of government to maintain their status. How long before our government's defense of the dollar becomes overt? Will America tolerate it this time around? Or will those who seek to protect themselves be labeled the criminals by our "ponzi-class" manager?
With gold market outlawed, Vietnam bans dollar market | Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee:
With gold market outlawed, Vietnam bans dollar market | Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee:
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
As Bill asked, "who will buy?" after we fund almost our entire deficit with instantly created cash for a quarter? Also note that he observes: "Bond yields and stock prices are resting on an artificial foundation of QE II credit". What happens when foundations are removed?
Bill Gross: Who will buy Treasuries when the Fed doesn't? - Investment News:
Bill Gross: Who will buy Treasuries when the Fed doesn't? - Investment News:
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
The private sector job market is the economy. An economy still gasping for air. That by itself is grim enough, but to the degree that even those jobs are sustained by govt. spending, to that degree even parts of the private sector are part of a false economy. False because it disappears when govt. deficit spending goes away, as it must at some point.
Jobs returning — but good ones not so much - Yahoo! News:
Jobs returning — but good ones not so much - Yahoo! News:
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
How is the brave new world of government controlling everything doing? With 44 million people on food stamps here, we don't have to worry about this kind of stuff.
A Senior HSBC Economist Warns Of Food Riots In The UK If Prices Continue To Soar | Business | Sky News:
A Senior HSBC Economist Warns Of Food Riots In The UK If Prices Continue To Soar | Business | Sky News:
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
"Even as the economy has recovered, social welfare benefits make up 35 percent of wages and salaries this year, up from 21 percent in 2000 and 10 percent in 1960." If the governments share of wages and salaries increased 14% in the last ten years, while the economy went nowhere, what will happen when we reverse this trend, as we must at some point? Do we really have a recovery when the private sector has been doing nothing but shrinking in size relative to the public sector?
CNBC's Fast Money: Welfare State: Handouts Make Up One-Third of U.S. Wages - CNBC:
CNBC's Fast Money: Welfare State: Handouts Make Up One-Third of U.S. Wages - CNBC:
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
As Bill is quoted in the article: "Who will buy Treasuries when the Fed doesn't? The question really is at what yield, and what are the price repercussions if the adjustments are significant." Bill is just one of many financial experts with great track records who have been sounding the alarm on our government debt level, currency policies, and the economic consequences. These guys with sterling track records are ignored while people like Bernanke, with a record of being wrong over and over, are given credence. Can we afford to pay even the interest on our debt at 5%? How about 10%? Or, how about even now? World history is littered with wrecks like this, but, like they said of the stock market in '99, "it's different this time".
PIMCO Total Return dumps U.S. government-related debt | Reuters:
PIMCO Total Return dumps U.S. government-related debt | Reuters:
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
What the world desperately needs: a global taxing authority. Can't get it with carbon credits? Try a global transaction tax. This would be an over-reach which would cause black markets to boom, and gold and silver to accelerate their historic trends.
EU Parliament approves Tobin tax on transactions - Telegraph:
EU Parliament approves Tobin tax on transactions - Telegraph:
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
Spare capacity is vapor thin for this commodity that we live or die by. Our clueless energy policy has left us vulnerable to Shea-Sunni tensions building for generations. Obviously, we soon risk being in another war in the Middle East.
Oil markets brace for Saudi 'rage' as global spare capacity wears thin - Telegraph:
Oil markets brace for Saudi 'rage' as global spare capacity wears thin - Telegraph:
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
Even in Europe tax payers are fed up with being punished for other people's irresponsibility. We are several years into a worldwide credit default crisis, and all the pain has been transfered from the guilty parties to the public through the political process. Instead of chipping the ice off the rigging of this top heavy ship, we just keep adding to it like it's flotation. You gotta wonder if there is a wave on the way.
Caught in the Euro Trap: Internal Opposition Grows to Further Bailout Measures - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International:,1518,74940....html
Caught in the Euro Trap: Internal Opposition Grows to Further Bailout Measures - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International:,1518,74940....html
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
It is obvious that neither party has the political courage to make meaningful cuts at the federal level. To create a sustainable budget would require cuts so large that our government spending dependent economy would crater. The politicians know this, so their only remaining option is to kick the can towards the cliff. The feds quantitative easing program is in reality a technical default on our debt, and that is probably the rout we will continue down rather than an open honest default on what we can not possibly pay.
U.S. sets $223B deficit record - Washington Times:
U.S. sets $223B deficit record - Washington Times:
Monday, March 7, 2011
The Skids get Greased
When governments borrow and spend it produces short term growth which allows it to tax, borrow and grow some more. To a degree, it compounds on itself on the way up. When things turn around the same is true in reverse. Budget cuts (austerity) cause the government dependent economy to shrink, reducing tax revenue and driving the crisis orders of magnitude higher. If our government cut the 1.5 Trillion it spends in excess of revenue, how big a hit would the economy take? I don't know, but logic says it would be huge, and a reduction in the economy would result in an even larger reduction in tax revenue to the government, due to progressive income tax rates, forcing yet larger cuts to spending. When you spend tomorrow's revenue you bring tomorrow's growth forward, but put that growth on an unsustainable footing. We see ample evidence of this happening around us, yet we cling to our same irrational economic and civil paradigms and look to government for solutions when it has caused all of this.
Moody's downgrade tips Greece closer to brink: Thomson Reuters Business News - MSN Money:
Moody's downgrade tips Greece closer to brink: Thomson Reuters Business News - MSN Money:
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
The Treatment for Healthcare's Disease? Freedom
Healthcare costs have been growing at several times the rate of inflation for decades. As long as healthcare costs are skyrocketing, all insurance profits could be eliminated, and we'd still go broke paying for direct medical costs. But then, out-of-control costs are what you'd expect from a government sanctioned (is there any other kind?) monopoly. Sure we've had tremendous advances in medicine since the AMA was given market protection about a century ago, but how much more would we have had if we'd enjoyed a free market in medicine during that period?
If we turned to a free market right now, conventional medicine would keep doing what it does best, dealing with acute crisis. But we would see some serious competition in the areas it is failing at (all the chronic diseases). Insurance reforms, such as giving consumers more choice in what they buy coverage for, could help contain runaway costs. If customers could opt out of buying expensive coverage for treatments that don't have a good track record anyway, it could open the lid on some of medicine's questionable treatments. To offer this sort of customer choice, while also providing cost and performance data on treatments, would be a game-changing reform. But then it would require rejecting this socialized medicine plan that would employ thousands of bureaucrats and guarantee billions in sales to some of our most protected companies. In short, the diagnosis for healthcare and insurance is too much centralized control already, the treatment? Freedom.
Healthcare costs have been growing at several times the rate of inflation for decades. As long as healthcare costs are skyrocketing, all insurance profits could be eliminated, and we'd still go broke paying for direct medical costs. But then, out-of-control costs are what you'd expect from a government sanctioned (is there any other kind?) monopoly. Sure we've had tremendous advances in medicine since the AMA was given market protection about a century ago, but how much more would we have had if we'd enjoyed a free market in medicine during that period?
If we turned to a free market right now, conventional medicine would keep doing what it does best, dealing with acute crisis. But we would see some serious competition in the areas it is failing at (all the chronic diseases). Insurance reforms, such as giving consumers more choice in what they buy coverage for, could help contain runaway costs. If customers could opt out of buying expensive coverage for treatments that don't have a good track record anyway, it could open the lid on some of medicine's questionable treatments. To offer this sort of customer choice, while also providing cost and performance data on treatments, would be a game-changing reform. But then it would require rejecting this socialized medicine plan that would employ thousands of bureaucrats and guarantee billions in sales to some of our most protected companies. In short, the diagnosis for healthcare and insurance is too much centralized control already, the treatment? Freedom.
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
In a world awash with debt, it is becoming more and more of a hot potato you don't want to be holding when the music stops. As this article indicates, what the politicians really want is to transfer the losses to the private sector. Consistent with one of Merkel's demands, "the private sector would also be held indirectly liable for the losses". This is what Bernanke is doing here as well, since QE2 simply transfers losses to innocent parties while the establishment avoids all responsibility for the disaster of their own creation.
Passing the Buck: European Central Bank Wants to Unload PIIGS Bonds - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International:,1518,749140,....html
Passing the Buck: European Central Bank Wants to Unload PIIGS Bonds - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International:,1518,749140,....html
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
People all over the world have been expressing their lack of faith in the "full faith and credit" backing of fiat currencies. Gold and silver allow people to opt out of the current, corrupt, system. The banksters will not give up the incredible power which they gain through the manipulation and fraud of fiat currencies without a fight. Without a fiat currency our government could not have accumulated the raw power it now wields. Without fiat currencies governments can't drive down the cost of servicing their debt by creating chronic inflation. They can't create taxable capital gains with that same inflation. They can't maintain the illusion of creating wealth "ex-nihilo", as they rob value from anyone that holds their debt. Go Utah.
Utah House Passes Bill Recognizing Gold, Silver as Legal Tender -
Utah House Passes Bill Recognizing Gold, Silver as Legal Tender -
Friday, March 4, 2011
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
The big surge in hiring came from Home Depot announcing plans to ad 60,000 temporary workers? Now that sounds like a sustainable recovery.
Announced U.S. Job Cuts Rose 20% From Year Ago, Challenger Says - Bloomberg:
Announced U.S. Job Cuts Rose 20% From Year Ago, Challenger Says - Bloomberg:
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
“Bond yields and stock prices are resting on an artificial foundation of QE2 credit that may or may not lead to a successful private-market handoff and stability in currency and financial markets". It begs the question, who will Bernanke hand off to?
Zell: Dollar's Global Fall Will Be 'Disastrous' for US Living Standard:
Zell: Dollar's Global Fall Will Be 'Disastrous' for US Living Standard:
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
With all our current federal government borrowing being financed by freshly printed currency, it is no wonder the world is looking for a replacement currency. We have enjoyed an extraordinary privilege as the issuer of the currency used for world trade, and we have abused that privilege to an extraordinary degree. This method of harvesting the world's wealth is ending, and instead is becoming a policy of self-destruction.
Fed Treasury Purchases `Monetizing Debt,' May Spur Inflation, Hoenig Says - Bloomberg:
Fed Treasury Purchases `Monetizing Debt,' May Spur Inflation, Hoenig Says - Bloomberg:
Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY
America's "world" changes when we lose the world reserve currency status. Simply ask yourself how we would fair if we were no longer granted a trade deficit by everyone else. If we had to give as much goods as we take. For too long we have given the world our "paper" in return for its wealth. That game ends when we lose the reserve currency status. Our debt and currency will lose value dramatically when our trading partners decide to purge the reservoirs of dollars and refill with something else. One practical question is, what will we fill our fuel tanks with when everyone realizes we have overspent our credit?
China "Attacks The Dollar" - Moves To Further Cement Renminbi Reserve Currency Status | zero hedge:
China "Attacks The Dollar" - Moves To Further Cement Renminbi Reserve Currency Status | zero hedge:
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Post from greshambouma at CHUM.LY
With everyone from central banks to individuals effectively remonetizing gold, fiat currencies (especially ours) are the two timing hussies being dumped, since they are always faithful to the pimps (Bernanke & co) managing them.
Gold Buying by China Jumps as Investors Seek to Protect Wealth, UBS Says - Bloomberg:
Gold Buying by China Jumps as Investors Seek to Protect Wealth, UBS Says - Bloomberg:
Post from greshambouma at CHUM.LY
Bankster buddies of Gaddafi.
Libya's Bankers Exposed: Goldman, JP Morgan And Citi | zero hedge:
Libya's Bankers Exposed: Goldman, JP Morgan And Citi | zero hedge:
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Post from greshambouma at CHUM.LY
This is a must read article for all of us in Idaho. It's time to understand the EPA stranglehold on Silver Valley. This is economic suppression in its most naked form. When will Idaho's state government begin to do what is right?
Silver Miners:
Silver Miners:
Post from greshambouma at CHUM.LY
A few short years ago the dollar would have been exploding in value given all the turmoil in the world. Instead it continues to, if anything, weaken. It should too, as the Fed taps into everyone's savings via its Quantitative Easing (money creation) programs. America must choose between austerity, and its hardship, or the self-cannibalism of what we are currently doing.
Dollar's safe-haven status hangs in the balance | Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee:
Dollar's safe-haven status hangs in the balance | Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee:
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