Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fed Hints at Creating Inflation

With central banks in Asia and the East re-monetizing gold, our central bankers play ever riskier games with the dollar.
My Blog:: kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/KWN_DailyWeb/Entri....html

Freddie Betts Against its Mission

Even liberals are waking up to how government is detraying its missguided missions. How about just limiting its mission to protecting our God-given rights to life, liberty and property?
Freddie Mac Bets Against American Homeowners - ProPublica:: www.propublica.org/article/freddy-mac-mortgage-eis...rnold

Saturday, January 28, 2012

A Political Platform Worth Supporting

Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » Fanning-Baldwin 2012: A Manifesto. A Political Platform. A Declaration.:: oathkeepers.org/oath/2012/01/27/fanning-baldwin-20...ation

Friday, January 27, 2012

Our Response to the War on the West

As the evidence mounts that we are in a struggle for the lives of our children, we need to develop strategies that have a chance of success. Just look at the evidence which indicates things are going to get really ugly. First every environmental tool available is used to destroy the rural economy. The wolf is just the most savage to date. Second, our government is training an army of dependents. The 44 million people on food stamps are being taught that they have the right to be taken care of, so we are being culturally prepared for the same kind of civil unrest that is common and intensifying in other socialistic countries. The food stamp program is just one of many programs developing dependency. Third, the power of the police state is growing, and they seem to be preparing for the possibility of civil unrest. Have you ever wondered why so many of the federal agencies now have swat teams? Why do you need guns and body armor to shut down a raw milk dairy, or a restaurant? Why the military equipment being distributed to local sheriff departments? Fourth, we have an economic shock coming when the government loses the ability to mask and defer the depression we are in. The virtual soup lines represented by the food stamp program are 44 million long. If people had to line up at a soup kitchen would we see it then?

We can see a large part of the enviro-socialist objective in the Agenda 21 map. The web sites promoting the Y to Y corridor indicates that they are confident enough to come out of the closet. If we don’t fight back now, we might as well start signing up for govt. benefits and prepare to move to sustainable development housing units. But if we are going to have any chance of success we need to have objectives ourselves and strategies that can both succeed and can be effective. Let me suggest some ways to fight back, while we still can, at the political level.

First we need to get very solid sheriffs in office. They have incredible latitude in protecting the life, liberty, and property of their constituents. I know a retired sheriff from Oregon who whenever a cougar was sighted in his county sent a hunter with hounds out to dispose of it since it was a threat to the ranchers. Recall the event where the local sheriff in Salmon Idaho stood off federal marshals when they wanted to arrest the elderly rancher over a dead wolf. If we filled every county in Idaho with men who understood our constitutional rights to life, liberty and property, we would have a fighting chance. What could the feds do if every county had an Arpaio in office?

Second, we need to get men in state and local office who understand state sovereignty, and the constitutional rights I mentioned above. We can’t settle for less in our state legislature, our attorney general, and the governor’s office. We have some men like Phil Hart, Dick Harwood and others, but they need to be the majority, and need to know that we are behind them.

In other words we need men like our founding fathers who are willing to risk their lives, honor, and treasure for the life, liberty and property of those they represent. Our Christian founders believed that that those rights, which flow from the natural (moral) law were universal in nature. In other words every human, in all places, at all times, is born with them since they are granted by the Creator. Our statist college texts teach that our rights come from government. If that is true then none of them are unalienable and can be granted and disposed of at will. The Secular Humanism promoted by this view of man and government is also inspiring the idea that humans are just another species out of control, a soul-less animal, threatening the planet, which needs to be culled. Well, I am not ready to abandon the principles of liberty that were enumerated in the Magna Carta and came to full blossom here in America, and I hope that you are not either. Frankly, we stand no more chance than the colonists did against England, but the God of the Bible is a God of miracles who loves to prove His power on behalf of those who trust Him enough to act with strength and courage.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Great Collapse

Assaults on free enterprise comming from the enviro-socialists who promote the wolf, mine closures, opposition to western enerty development are just the tip of the trouble comming at us. John Williams is as knowledgable as anyone on the true financial state of the nation since he has been correcting government reports for large financial clients for decades. We are in a fight for our lives because when freedom dies, so do people.
My Blog:: kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/KWN_DailyWeb/Entri....html

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Greece Shows the Insolvent Way

It is intructive to see that when countries reach the point where light is shown on their inability to pay their debts, they also have economies that are so dependent on borrowing (and bloated government spending) that they are trapped in an economic vice. The world reserve currency status for the US Dollar has allowed us to get deeper in that trap in some ways than anyone else.
Greek Economy on Track to Implode: Hanke - Bloomberg:: www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-01-24/greek-economy-on....html

Friday, January 20, 2012

Federal War on Free Enterprise

It is not just miners, loggers and ranchers, it is not just the Western states, it is all of agriculture as well, as this article notes. This is how it works. The radical environmentalist organization sues the EPA and wins a concession. Because they won a concession the federal govt. pays all there padded legal costs and the organization gets rich. All the money to pay for the bureaucrats, the judges, and the environmentalists ultimately comes from the private sector they are close to destroying. We continue to cooperate, paying all the bills and electing moderates who will make no waves and continue to vote for our pet programs like the funding of Ag research through the state schools.
Farmers warned: We’re all one regulation away from jail or bankruptcy | Natural Resource Report:: naturalresourcereport.com/2012/01/farmers-warned-w...id=57

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Half US Households on Dole

Can't recomend the analysis in this article, but the headline says it all. Socialism matures into this kind of dependency, so we aren't slipping into socialism, we are already there. My theory is that govt. depency peaks just as its ability to care for its pawns craters.
Half of U.S. Households Received Government Benefits in 2010 - Yahoo! Finance:: finance.yahoo.com/news/half-u-households-received-...ylv=3

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

More on the War on the West

Silver Valley is under the Federal boot and what is our governor doing about it? Where are our state legislators on this one? If state government will not resist federal tyrany, then no one will stand for life, liberty and property rights and the constitution has only one working provision--the one giving courts jurisdiction over what is constitutional and what is not. Where are all the men who have sworn to uphold the whole constitution, even if it means challenging the courts and bureaucracies? What will they say when they stand before the Judge of the universe and have to answer for all the evil they have abetted with their silence?
The War Against Us | SilverSeek.com:: www.silverseek.com/article/war-against-us

Monday, January 16, 2012

More Idaho Jobs Destroyed

This could not come at a worse time. Federal regulators in Silver Valley have a history of hostility to the local extraction based economy, so I suspect this is just more of the economic war on the west. While the wolves put our ranchers out of business, federal wolves savage one of our few viable industries in the state. When will our state government fight back on behalf of its industry and its people?
Mine shutdown impact could exceed $25 million - Spokesman.com - Jan. 13, 2012:: www.spokesman.com/stories/2012/jan/13/mine-shutdow...llion

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Brief Summary of US Govt. Financial Situation

The US Government Is Bankrupt - Casey Research:: www.caseyresearch.com/articles/us-government-bankr...krupt

An Instructive Angle on the Police State

This article provides another perspective to use in analyzing our current crisis. The critical question is not whether you are middle, lower, or upper class, but rather are you part of the economic, political or praetorian class?
The Rise of the Praetorian Class - Casey Research:: www.caseyresearch.com/cdd/rise-praetorian-class

Friday, January 13, 2012

World Changing Trend

If this trend continues it will eventually chang our world. "as the chart below vividly demonstrates, the traditional diagonal rise in foreign holdings of US paper has not only pleateaued, but it is in fact declining: a first in the history of the post-globalization world." Up till now the US could import more than it exported becuase our trading partners bought our debt, then bought more, and more. If they no longer accumulate our debt, and no longer accumulate our currency as bank reserves it spells serious trouble for our economy and our currency. We may well soon see the price inflation that currency pegging and foreign exchange demand for the dollar have deffered for a long time.
Foreigners Sell Record $85 Billion In Treasurys In 6 Consecutive Weeks - Time To Get Concerned? | ZeroHedge:: www.zerohedge.com/news/foreigners-sell-record-85-b...erned

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Iran Dictatorship Tightens Grip

If you can decide who getts to run for parliament, what kind of power does that same parliament really weild?
Iran bans MPs from standing for re-election to parliament | World news | guardian.co.uk:: www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/jan/10/iran-bans-mps...ction

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Financial Repression Spun as a Good Thing

While this article details financial repression, it argues that it is a good thing for nations to rob their lenders. The article notes: "the average real short-term interest rate paid by U.S. government between 1945 and 1980 was -3.5 percent". If that was true when the US government was routinely running budget surplusses, what are the (real) returns now? Once adjusted for inflation, todays real returns are far worse and getting harder to hide all the time. Financial repression is not a sign of being civilized as Reuters argues, rather it is a sign of a corrupt and desparate civilization rotting at its governing core.
BREAKINGVIEWS-Financial repression is here and may be helpful | Reuters:: uk.reuters.com/article/2012/01/09/idUKL6E8C53OQ201...20109

Monday, January 9, 2012

Post from greshambouma at CHUMLY

American Company Excluded From Bidding
American Company Excluded from Contract Bidding For Military Plane:: Hawker-Beechcraft does not even get to compete for military contract it already sunk 100 million into. Brazillian Embraer, owned in part by Soros, gets the contract without competition. Where is the press on this one? If this is not more evidence that America's biggest threat is internal, then what is? While Ron Paul is not the perfect candidate, he at least understands that our biggest threat is political rot in our capital, and has been fighting that rot for decades.
Obama Administration Sends Weapons Contract to Foreign Company with Ties to Iran | RedState:: www.redstate.com/aglanon/2011/11/21/obama-administ...-iran

Saturday, January 7, 2012

On Corporate Psychopaths

I think the professor needs to look at the political class in DC next. Neither the politicians nor the bad apples on Wall Street could destroy us without the help of the other, that is why our Constitution gave DC so little power/authority/jurisdiction.
Beware: Corporate Psychopaths Still Occupy Positions of Power:: readersupportednews.org/opinion2/279-82/9203-bewar...power

Size of Debt Defaults Unprecedented

Check out this chart comparing the debt of the PIIGS with prior sovereign defaults (at least in recent history), and remember financial earthquakes cause financial tsunamis.
PIIGS Sovereign Debt.jpg (JPEG Image, 660 × 416 pixels):: www.caseyresearch.com/sites/default/files/PIIGS Sovereign Debt.jpg

This is How the UN Works

UN aid and that distributed through our State Department always seems to do more damage than good. Here is an example. The Islmist government of Sudan has been committing genocide in what was Southern Sudan for decades. It separated and became a seperate country several years ago. Sudan is now attemting to retake several regions. People are being bombed and starved, so the UN wants to send aid into those regions. The Sudanese government, however, insists that it can only allow the aid to be distributed through them. This is like giving Hitler aid for the suffering French resistance. What fools we have become.
Sudan to UN humanitarian chief:"We accept aid, not foreign aid workers.” | Persecution Project Foundation:: persecutionproject.org/general/sudan-to-un-humanit...rkers

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Danger Debt Poses

The author notes: "In the first decade of this century, which was by no means a weak period economically, countries more than doubled the level of debt -- to an estimated grand total of $55 trillion by the end of 2011." The world is following our lead in this self destructive trend. The first page of this article is definitely worth the read.
Ponzi Planet: The Danger Debt Poses to the Western World - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International:: www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,806772,0....html

Monday, January 2, 2012

Foreigners Selling Treasuries

Check out the charts posted in this article. It looks like a trend line has been broken. We have become dependent on foreign investors buying increasing amounts of our debt. It is part of what makes trade deficits possible, and it looks like they may be balking at the concept.
Foreigners Dump Record Amount Of US Treasurys In Past Month | ZeroHedge:: www.zerohedge.com/news/foreigners-dump-record-amou...month