Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Who Supports the FDA Gestapo?

Apparently all the Dems do. I am dissapointed only a few Republicans were will to oppose it. Let's work to stop these agencies at the state line.
Here Are the 15 Senators Who Voted to Stop Armed FDA Agents From Conducting Warrantless Raids on America's Farmers (Not One of Them is a Democrat) - Hit & Run :


Anyone that thinks our current recession is cyclical needs to get off the drugs. Our problems are chronic just like Europe's are, and all part of the same storm seeded by government action, then exacerbated by more of it.
Number of the Week: Half of U.S. Lives in Household Getting Benefits - Real Time Economics - WSJ::

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

NDAA/Indefinite Detention

While Americans prepared to celebrate Memorial Day, honoring those who have given their lives for freedom, freedom's opponents make strategic political and legal moves in DC.
On Indefinite Detention: The Tyranny Continues | Ron Paul |

Friday, May 18, 2012

At What Percent?

A while back the Wall Street Journal reported that 61% of last year’s Federal borrowing was funded by the printing press. We just created digital money and lent it to ourselves. My question is, at what percent will America’s people recognize the problem? If 80% of our borrowing came from the printing presses, would that make headlines in all our newspapers? What if 100% of our debt was sourced from our own Central Bank, would we then care? I don’t know.

Right now in Euro land, one of the PIIGS is looking like it is going to exit the herd. It is believed that it (Greece) will be better off because once it has its own printing press again it will be able to pay its debt and lend to itself as needed. It could, no doubt, work for a while—it seems to be working for US. What is missing, however, is an exit strategy. The reason countries get to this point is that they have borrowed more than they can afford to repay. When they turn to the printing press, the problem of too much debt neither goes away nor does it get better. It just defers and exacerbates. You just turn what would have been a bad cold into pneumonia.

It looks to me like our own ship of state is run by a crew of pirates composed of political, financial, academic, and media elitists. Every single one of those categories should be sounding the alarm on overspending, not helping bury us in debt. The latest category of debt to explode has been student loans. Who are we going to lend to next to get another bump in GDP? Maybe our high school students? After that let’s try the grammar school kids.

Our ship of state was not really designed to be one giant vessel. It was instead to be a flotilla of 52 ships capable of coming together against common enemies. If one got into trouble, there would be others to rescue. With 52 captains and crews you could not pirate the whole fleet. But what has always happened, has happened. Governments accumulate. Bureaucracies grow. Power corrupts.

So where do we go from here? Well, we could start by recognizing the problem. Until you identify a problem it is impossible to solve it, so let’s admit that our government has gotten way too big and too centralized. Both those problems are largely addressed by returning to constitutionally limited government. To get there we need our state governments to be the checks and balances in the system that they’re supposed to be. While DC will not give up power voluntarily, the states can start strategically taking some back. Ultimately it would be nice to have 52 ships manned with crews that would refuse to act on unconstitutional orders, but lets start with Idaho. The Constitution is the line we should not have crossed. Our Constitution has not failed us, we have failed it, and in doing so each other.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Great Assessment of Roosevelt's Revolution

Great article, but the revolutionaries are not going to be satisfied as long as the tattered vestiges of freedom still flutter in the windmill cluttered breeze, so I believe that there is an even greater power grab being plotted within the circles of our nation's financial, intellectual and political elites.
The Revolution Was: 1938::

Friday, May 11, 2012

Darrell and Dawn Paul's Endorsement

We have known Gresham Bouma and his family for 15 years. Our sons grew up together here in Moscow.

We appreciate his honest, straight-forward approach to a government that obeys constitutional limits, one that serves the people rather than ruling over them and protects the individual's rights to life, liberty and prosperity, along with a sensible use of natural resources.

He believes in taking personal responsibility and has lived it, while also passing it on to his kids. He is well equipped to act with integrity and honesty as a member of the Idaho Senate.

We thank him for being willing to step up and take this on.

Please vote for Gresham Bouma Tuesday and in November.

Darrell and Dawn Paul


Letter to editor endorsing Bouma

I will be voting for Gresham Bouma on Tuesday for state Senator. He embodies the principled, self reliant, innovative small-business owner that has been and still is the most crucial element to Idaho's - and the nation's - economy. He well understands that prudent financial planning and expenditures are essential elements in sustaining a viable business and that free markets build a strong, resilient economy. As a senator, Bouma will work to maintain a vibrant business climate and will direct significant energy toward legislation that will permit our free-market system to prosper.

Bouma, a truly principled conservative, speaks without guile or hidden agendas - refreshing! Gresham Bouma will keep Idaho's economy growing.

Ross Appelgren


GunPAC Endorsement

I am grateful to the GunPAC for their endorsement and that they are coming along side in the fight for your rights. It looks like a good site for information and news related to threats to our Second Amendment.
GunPAC -::