The article headline made me stop to contemplate its irony. The newspaper attacked for the third time in a month was in Mexico, a country where it is illegal to keep and bear arms. It was being reported in our newspaper that was clamoring for more gun control here in the states. A newspaper which has never been attacked at all as far as I know. The truth is that anyone arguing for stringent gun control is either not well informed, or supports some very evil intentions.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Audit the Fed Passes the House
Those who run the Fed, whoever they are, have gotten so good at alchemy lately that they don't even have to mix ingredients to produce what can be exchanged for gold itself. But for some reason, not only do they want to remain anonymous, they also want absolutely no accountability whatsoever. Our politicians don't want to mess with them either, since lately they are the biggest buyers of our debt, how could the politicians keep spending if the Fed didn't financed it? The gig would be up. The charade would end. And who would want a gig this good to end. The banksters harvest wealth from all those who hold dollar denominated financial assets. The theft occurs so surreptitiously that no one even feels it. The banksters create it ex-nihilo, and the politicians borrow it with the promise we and our children will pay it off. It supplies food, beer, cigarettes, apartments, the newest version of the handicapped curb and all sorts of goodies to the masses until it doesn't work any longer. If history were static and this could all go on, what a deal it would be. But it can't work in the long run, and even the bought-off masses would be outraged to learn that the lion's share of the take goes not to them, but the financial elite who walk off with Trillions while the masses, in all likelihood, get a thousand fold less. So lets see who the real winners are in this scam, and make sure Audit the Fed makes it through the Senate also!
Audit the Fed Passes! | Campaign for Liberty::
Audit the Fed Passes! | Campaign for Liberty::
Disability Benefits Exploding
It looks pretty obvious that the social security disability program is just another welfare program used to try to re-inflate the economy with freshly minted currency. What is also true is that it is another insolvent part of an insolvent Social Security system that is being brought toward crisis. Obamacare adds to the financial distress in the system as well by doing the opposite of what management needs to do immediately, which is bring projected spending in line with projected revenue. As we can observe in Europe, dependency peaks even as socialistic governments completely fail. We were once a culture that sacrificed in the present so that our children had a better future. Today our "leaders" sacrifice the future to defer the consequences of our excesses of the past.
8,753,935: Workers on Disability Set Another Record in July; Exceed Population of 39 States |
8,753,935: Workers on Disability Set Another Record in July; Exceed Population of 39 States |
Monday, July 23, 2012
Belgistan? Sharia Showdown Looms in Brussels - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -
All Seeing Eye Proliferates
FAA Has Authorized 106 Government ‘Entities’ to Fly Domestic Drones |
Saturday, July 21, 2012
So, It is the Tea Party's Fault?
Let's just say that the mainstream media and our government are successful at branding the grassroots movement known as the "Tea Party" as a dangerous, violent, even terrorist (according to some government reports) movement. What would the next repressive action look like? What is their ultimate goal? What ever the answer is to those questions, it is not pretty, but what is equally clear is that they fear this grass-roots movement or they would not be so hasty and clumsy in their smears. Remember, you get the government that you are willing to tolerate. When a significant portion of the populace will no longer tolerate the government we have, it will demand and get change. Unlike some systems of government, where that sort of action would be insurrection, in our system the right of the people to control the government is enshrined in our founding documents.
ABC, Ross Under Withering Fire for Tea Party Link to Shooting::
ABC, Ross Under Withering Fire for Tea Party Link to Shooting::
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Banking Crisis, Who Will Pay?
Who will pay for the sins of the Banksters? The rich or poor? The innocent or the guilty? This short article lays it out clearly.
A Crisis Veiled in Public Spectacle::'s really wrong with the banks
A Crisis Veiled in Public Spectacle::'s really wrong with the banks
Retail Sales Signalling Trouble
"Translated into an annual number, and adjusted for inflation; the 0.5% number reported for June is transformed into a collapse in U.S. retail sales at an annual rate of 16%. The 0.2% decline reported in May becomes a plunge of well in excess of 12% (annually). Which of these numbers "misleads" people, and which informs them?"
U.S. Retail Collapse Accelerates by Jeff Nielson::
U.S. Retail Collapse Accelerates by Jeff Nielson::
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Banksters Get Caught Helping Gangsters
HSBC boss quits for failing to stop money laundering - Telegraph::
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Bovill Days
Yesterday was a swirl of activity that left many candidates drained, but not Bouma who was flush with success after wiping out the competition and taking the trophy in the Bovill Tidy Bowl race in which toilet mounted contestants propel their carts forward.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
In their dissenting opinion some of our SCOTUS justices said:"The Court has been informed by distinguished economists that the Act’s Individual Mandate
and Medicaid expansion would each increase revenues to the insurance industry by about $350 billion
over 10 years; that this combined figure of $700 billion is necessary to offset the approximately $700
billion in new costs to the insurance industry imposed by the Act’s insurance regulations and taxes; and
that the new $700 billion burden would otherwise dwarf the industry’s current profit margin.”
So the government has made it more expensive to insure the customer, and at the same time has guaranteed more revenue to the biggest players in insurance. For decades in Idaho we have kept a barrier up to insurance companies wanting to compete here. Suddenly the same people who have opposed free-market forces/reforms all along are claiming their heavily regulated and controlled exchange will result in more competition. I am afraid the public is getting lied to again. The only winners in this sleazy pact are big government and big corporate interests. It is time we found out who really wrote Obamacare, I think it would explain a lot of this corporate fascism.
Gresham Bouma
and Medicaid expansion would each increase revenues to the insurance industry by about $350 billion
over 10 years; that this combined figure of $700 billion is necessary to offset the approximately $700
billion in new costs to the insurance industry imposed by the Act’s insurance regulations and taxes; and
that the new $700 billion burden would otherwise dwarf the industry’s current profit margin.”
So the government has made it more expensive to insure the customer, and at the same time has guaranteed more revenue to the biggest players in insurance. For decades in Idaho we have kept a barrier up to insurance companies wanting to compete here. Suddenly the same people who have opposed free-market forces/reforms all along are claiming their heavily regulated and controlled exchange will result in more competition. I am afraid the public is getting lied to again. The only winners in this sleazy pact are big government and big corporate interests. It is time we found out who really wrote Obamacare, I think it would explain a lot of this corporate fascism.
Gresham Bouma
Monday, July 9, 2012
Disabled "Recovery"
A real recovery shows up with vigorous private sector job growth. But as this article notes: "The number of people with jobs is still nearly 5 million below its pre-recession peak." And programs that pay people not to work are the essence of this "recovery".
3.1 Million Workers Join Disability Ranks Vs. 2.6 Million That Got Jobs In Obama Recovery -
3.1 Million Workers Join Disability Ranks Vs. 2.6 Million That Got Jobs In Obama Recovery -
Friday, July 6, 2012
Government Lies
The storm builds and approaches. While it is fascinating to watch the financial fireworks overseas, it begs the question, what will the grand finale look like? If it works its way up the chain to the world histories biggest debtor, we will not be able to say it came without warning. Centralized control over everything from money to medicine has proven itself a failure every time it has been tried, but don't expect those who are drunk with power to promote the principles of freedom from the top down. It must come from the bottom up. Our own history proves the wonders of individual liberties and a morally restrained government, so the question before us is, which history will we repeat? The failed policies of socialism, or the policies which once defined us as a nation?
My Blog::
My Blog::
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Dear Fellow Stockholders
I just wanted to share this update on "our" company (GM). Seriously, have our politicians done such a good job with our nation's financial management that we want them managing everything from manufacturing to medicine? The truth is that the free market is organic in its action. Like a living organism the life death cycle is a health maintaining dynamic. Old companies die, and young, vibrant, competitive businesses buy their assets on sale and make the assets productive again. Corruption, incompetence, and lethargy get punished in a free market but not when the politically well-connected are all deemed too big to fail and are bailed out by politicians.
General Motors Stock At 2012 Low, Lifting Loss Taxpayer Losses To Nearly $35 Billion by Andrew Malcolm -
General Motors Stock At 2012 Low, Lifting Loss Taxpayer Losses To Nearly $35 Billion by Andrew Malcolm -
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Luna and the IEA Make the WSJ
McGurn: Son of Scott Walker -
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Monday, July 2, 2012
Welcome to Unlimited Government
If government can tax anything it wants, at any rate it wants, it has unlimited control.
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