Ambrose admits the Idahoans had it correct all along. Eventually we will all agree with Jefferson on the dangers of central banks: "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks...will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Post from greshambouma at CHUM.LY
What a fun way to celebrate our great Idaho lifestyle. Yesterday's turkey shoot was a blast, the music provided by Beargrass set a perfect atmosphere, and the bonfire was huge. Thanks to all who sponsored the event and to all who contributed to the campaign.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Recession or Not, U.S. Job Market Woes Persist
It is time we recognized that "the private sector job market is the economy". With out a per-capita increase in private sector earnings all you have is more borrowing and spending, and that is not sustainable. We should have this figured out after the last ten years.
It is time we recognized that "the private sector job market is the economy". With out a per-capita increase in private sector earnings all you have is more borrowing and spending, and that is not sustainable. We should have this figured out after the last ten years.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Post from greshambouma at CHUM.LY
The National Bureau of Economic Research has officially called the recession over... Hold on! Weren't these guys some of those who sold the idea of "transitioning to a service based economy"? And then a "consumer based economy"? Call me crazy, but I side with the majority of Americans (and Warren Buffet) that believe the recession is not over. In fact it looks like the "service based economy" is going out of service and the "consumer based economy" has been consumed. Economies grow when real, per capita wealth out-put grows.
Sinai Says Fed's Sept. 21 Statement Means `Gotta Buy Gold' - Bloomberg
The dollar continues to weaken relative to gold. Even central banks have been reducing exposure to the dollar and buying gold. Gold is a warning. How much is the dollar really worth? How will America do when our trading partners no longer subsidize us through trade deficits? How self-sufficient are we as a nation?
The dollar continues to weaken relative to gold. Even central banks have been reducing exposure to the dollar and buying gold. Gold is a warning. How much is the dollar really worth? How will America do when our trading partners no longer subsidize us through trade deficits? How self-sufficient are we as a nation?
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Payrolls Decrease in 36 U.S. States, Led by Michigan - Bloomberg
No wonder the man on the street does not believe the recession is over. One of the best economic indicators is the private sector job market.
No wonder the man on the street does not believe the recession is over. One of the best economic indicators is the private sector job market.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Post from greshambouma at CHUM.LY
The free market is a gratitude multiplier, with two satisfied people walking away from every non-coerced transaction.
Post from greshambouma at CHUM.LY
Good morning. To those attending the Latah Fair, please look me up there and say hi. Gresham
Saturday, September 11, 2010
POWELL: Jump-starting the economy - Washington Times
Great article on how we should respond to recessions. We have been mislead by the liberal elites who teach and promote only one flawed economic theory, leading us down the road to economic crisis.
Great article on how we should respond to recessions. We have been mislead by the liberal elites who teach and promote only one flawed economic theory, leading us down the road to economic crisis.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Ireland breaks up Anglo Irish as EMU debt jitters return - Telegraph
It sounds like Ireland is contemplating debt defaults.
It sounds like Ireland is contemplating debt defaults.
Yuan Trading Against Ruble Said to Start Within Weeks - Bloomberg
The dollars hold over the world reserve currency status continues to weaken. The dollar is more and more perceived as a poor store of wealth and the implications for America are profound. If our debt becomes a poor investment because it is denominated in dollars and interest rates return to cyclical highs, how much of our budget would it take to cover interest? What would happen to fuel costs?
The dollars hold over the world reserve currency status continues to weaken. The dollar is more and more perceived as a poor store of wealth and the implications for America are profound. If our debt becomes a poor investment because it is denominated in dollars and interest rates return to cyclical highs, how much of our budget would it take to cover interest? What would happen to fuel costs?
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Post from at CHUM.LY
What is up, and up dramatically, since the recession began 33 months ago are government transfers to households (in the form of unemployment benefits, food stamps, welfare, social security) — they have ballooned 31% since the end of 2007. A record 30 cents of every dollar in personal income is now derived from some form of government support — now tell me that is not a depression-era statistic. The modern day soup line is a cheque in the mail. Maybe now we can get a better appreciation of why it is that the NBER has yet to sound the all-clear siren that the recession actually ever officially ended despite four quarters of positive GDP growth — perhaps not only because this may have merely been an unsustainable policy-induced spasm, but also because, in per capita terms, real final sales continued to contract through this alleged statistical recovery. - David Rosenberg, Chief Economist & Strategist, Gluskin Sheff & Associates [Toronto]
Thirty cents of every dollar! How will we get out of this debt and spending trap?
Thirty cents of every dollar! How will we get out of this debt and spending trap?
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