Monday, October 11, 2010

Senator Fulcher Endorses Bouma

Dear Editor,

As Idaho Citizens, all of us should be interested in who is representing us in the Idaho legislature. But as a member of the Idaho State Senate, I also have an immediate vested interest in who I will be working with.

So when Gresham Bouma won the primary election last May, I took the initiative of getting to know him. I asked him to communicate to me his platform and positions on issues currently facing Idaho. The summary of that dialogue is this: I like what I see.

It is clear to me Gresham understands that our future is dependent on a well-funded, diversified education system. Gresham also understands that the answers to the economic challenges we face today are based on empowering the free market, encouraging individual incentives, and protecting personal liberties.

I believe that if you elect Gresham Bouma to the State Senate on Nov. 2, he will represent his constituents with honesty, integrity, and dedication. He has responded to me and my questions by preparing diligently and analyzing all of the issues placed before him; all with the spirit of "listening before speaking."

I expect to start my 4th term in the legislature this coming January, and I want Gresham Bouma there with me. Only you can make that happen, and I respectfully ask that you do.

Senator Russ Fulcher
Majority Caucus Chairman, Idaho State Senate
Published in the M/P Daily News

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