Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Euro's Troubles Continue to Grow

"They (the banks) have been buying between 60 and 90 percent of the bonds issued in recent years." I wonder who buys our US Treasuries? I wonder where the banking profits (and all the huge management bonuses) are coming from? If our banking sector can create, then loan itself money at less than 1%, then turn around and loan it to the government at 3 or more percent, is there a risk free profit there? Has the banking sector been making any legitimate profits lately? Where? How? Loans to homeowners? Loans to businesses? It looks like the banking sector and the government are the same inbred brothel the world over.

Euro Zone Debt Crisis - Italy Next to Seek EU Bailout: Wealth Manager - CNBC: www.cnbc.com/id/42954173

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