Christians are being murdered by the thugs Obama is arming. "He was stopped at a rebel checkpoint near the state-run bakery," says Rim. "The rebels knew he was a Christian. They took him and then threw his dead body in front of the door of his parent's house four or five hours later."
Christians Flee from Radical Rebels in Syria - SPIEGEL ONLINE::
Monday, December 24, 2012
How Egypt's Military Has Used Our Weapons
"After their churches were repeatedly attacked and burned in October 2011, Egypt's Coptic Christians took to the streets of Alexandria in protest. The response from the Egyptian military was swift and brutal. The army opened fire into the crowd and then charged in with armored personnel carriers, running over the Christians. At least 25 Christians were killed and many more injured." The US media lends their stamp of approval by their silence.
Muslim Brotherhood and the killing and persecution of Christians in Egypt - Watertown Tea Party |
Muslim Brotherhood and the killing and persecution of Christians in Egypt - Watertown Tea Party |
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Opting for Safety in our Schools
Here is a suggestion for improving security for our kids while restoring rights rather than giving them up. The answer could be a voucher system for our schools. It would allow parents to pick the school that they felt appropriately addressed security. The power to decide whether all the teachers should be trained and qualified to carry would rest with, gasp, parents. If they wanted to send their children into a"gun free zone”, they could opt for a school that did that. If they wanted to have their kids attend a school that taught moral restraints on behavior, they could opt for that. If they wanted to choose excellence in academics…
You get the gist. Cut the free market loose to not only reduce costs, boost performance, but also keep our children safe. There is no excuse for collectivizing all these decisions and robbing the parents of critical choices while draining their financial resources paying premium prices for an inferior and unsafe product. Here in Idaho the Union let us know that they control the schools, how about giving parents the chance to opt out of the union controlled system?
You get the gist. Cut the free market loose to not only reduce costs, boost performance, but also keep our children safe. There is no excuse for collectivizing all these decisions and robbing the parents of critical choices while draining their financial resources paying premium prices for an inferior and unsafe product. Here in Idaho the Union let us know that they control the schools, how about giving parents the chance to opt out of the union controlled system?
UBS Gets Nailed for What Fed Does All The Time
The Federal Reserve is constantly doing what these other banks are facing huge fines for. The Fed warps markets, transfers wealth, and does its financial represion with impunity as long as it kicks loose money the Federal Government's direction. Incidentally, it creates money at the stroke of a key, but the interest it charges is honestly earned by the hard labor of ordinary Americans.
Highlights - How UBS manipulated interest rates | Reuters::
Highlights - How UBS manipulated interest rates | Reuters::
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Benghazi - Obama Armed Terrorists
Benghazi was Fast & Furious on steroids (or RPGs).
Benghazi Terrorists Armed By Obama::
Benghazi Terrorists Armed By Obama::
Friday, December 21, 2012
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Jim Rickards on Latest QE
Jim Rickards is enormously qualified to speak to the latest round of QE by the Fed.
Jim Rickards: the Fed is Racing to Create Inflation Before the US Economy Implodes! - YouTube::
Jim Rickards: the Fed is Racing to Create Inflation Before the US Economy Implodes! - YouTube::
How the Wizards Work
This short video helps explain how the Fed can keep interest rates below historic record lows for so long. Of course, the bigger the fraud and more distorted the markets, the more painful the consequences. It looks like the biggest buyer of Treasuries (the Fed) is also selling Puts on the same assets that make up their own balance sheet (which they created money out of nothing to buy in the first place). So did they teach Goldman Sachs how to do this kind of stuff, or vice versa? It is interesting to note that the Germans, who have these kind of shenanegans in their recent history, are buying massive amounts of gold lately.
FRAUD: Federal Reserve Is Selling Put Options On Treasury Bonds To Drive Down Yields - YouTube::
FRAUD: Federal Reserve Is Selling Put Options On Treasury Bonds To Drive Down Yields - YouTube::
Dan Norcini Summs It Up
Dan argues, just as the man-on-the-street knows in his gut, that our financial bankruptcy as a nation stems from our moral bankruptcy. But as long as "in the Federal Reserve we trust" the scam goes on since the "value" of the dollar is upheld by the faith put in it, not by how badly it is being abused by the financial wizards.
My Blog::
My Blog::
Monday, December 17, 2012
The Appropriate Response to the Feds
Tell them if it is not enumerated in the Constitution, not one of their limited, delegated powers, it's none of their business.
South Carolina Bill Proposes Jail Time for Feds Trying to Enforce Obamacare – Tenth Amendment Center Blog::
South Carolina Bill Proposes Jail Time for Feds Trying to Enforce Obamacare – Tenth Amendment Center Blog::
Rick Santelli Rants
Santelli On False Dictatorships And Fed Exit Strategies | ZeroHedge::
Thursday, December 13, 2012
On War and Politics
What if you sent your generals to war with the instructions that they always advance, even if an ambush is laid for them?
Good Policy, Bad Strategy
While it is very good policy to hold the line on raising taxes on anyone, it is bad strategy right now in DC. The left has set up the so called "fiscal cliff" to be the cause of the next recession when in actuality it is going to happen no matter what, due to the following: Obamacare, the constant stealth tax via the printing presses, and our history of parabolic overspending in DC. The only question now is who is being set up to get the blame, and the answer is us. Obama wants to go over the cliff so he can blame the Republicans for the next stage down economically. He gets everything he wants if we go over the cliff: higher taxes, lower military spending and the ability to blame the Republicans for the next "recession". And he can follow it up with tax cuts to the middle class and some restored military spending (which we will cooperate with) and get to pose as someone looking out for those two groups. A strategic retreat is in order if we are to put him in check-mate instead of he, us. If our House republicans see all that, don't confuse an arguably good strategy with bad policy. I hope they point out all the things above, grudgingly give him his way on taxing the rich, and leave him owning the economic trouble coming our way.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Otter Ignores Grassroots
High level/establishment Republicans despise genuine, liberty loving conservatives. Otter wanted this from the start, so the fight is in/for the legislature, as it has been all along.
Gov. Otter Says Idaho Should Build Its Own Health Insurance Exchange | StateImpact Idaho::
Gov. Otter Says Idaho Should Build Its Own Health Insurance Exchange | StateImpact Idaho::
Friday, December 7, 2012
Reasons to Reject Obamacare
Idaho's people are becoming more and more aware of PPACA's economic damage. It, however, has many more problems that will come with it.
It is first of all morally reprehensible since it requires insurance to cover abortifacients. I will go to jail before I buy insurance that covers these things.
Obamacare also hijacks medicine and is a corrupt gift to big medicine and insurance. If the pharmaceuticals didn’t help write it, I’ll take some.
It is a regulatory maze that will expand big government. It grows the government when we desperately need to shrink it--before it swallows the whole economy.
It will exacerbate our doctor shortage as well, since doctor payments will be cut and bureaucrats hired.
It will increase the cost of medicine, and additionally load us down with new taxes.
It is a revolutionary threat to privacy with your medical and financial data all in one database.
Its effect on jobs nation-wide is already being felt, so expect a hard blow to Idaho tax revenue if we implement it here.
If tax revenue takes a hit, expect more cuts in state funding to the University of Idaho.
With the costs of chronic diseases overwhelming the system, what we need is free and open competition among different schools of medicine. Obamacare will drive Naturopaths and complementary treatments even deeper into the black market.
It should be painfully obvious that one of the things driving this is the exploding Medicare costs nationwide. Obamacare gives the government a tool for rationing the care of our baby-boomers (think of ten years from now). And it won’t be easy to simply buy your way around it, since those that try will be competing with thousands of other seniors doing the same thing and vying for a shrinking pool of doctors.
And the following verse is for the corporate theives and government slugs:
For in vain is a net spread in the sight of any bird, but these men lie in wait for their own blood; they set an ambush for their own lives. Such are the ways of everyone who is greedy for unjust gain; it takes away the life of its possessors. Prov. 1:17-19
It is first of all morally reprehensible since it requires insurance to cover abortifacients. I will go to jail before I buy insurance that covers these things.
Obamacare also hijacks medicine and is a corrupt gift to big medicine and insurance. If the pharmaceuticals didn’t help write it, I’ll take some.
It is a regulatory maze that will expand big government. It grows the government when we desperately need to shrink it--before it swallows the whole economy.
It will exacerbate our doctor shortage as well, since doctor payments will be cut and bureaucrats hired.
It will increase the cost of medicine, and additionally load us down with new taxes.
It is a revolutionary threat to privacy with your medical and financial data all in one database.
Its effect on jobs nation-wide is already being felt, so expect a hard blow to Idaho tax revenue if we implement it here.
If tax revenue takes a hit, expect more cuts in state funding to the University of Idaho.
With the costs of chronic diseases overwhelming the system, what we need is free and open competition among different schools of medicine. Obamacare will drive Naturopaths and complementary treatments even deeper into the black market.
It should be painfully obvious that one of the things driving this is the exploding Medicare costs nationwide. Obamacare gives the government a tool for rationing the care of our baby-boomers (think of ten years from now). And it won’t be easy to simply buy your way around it, since those that try will be competing with thousands of other seniors doing the same thing and vying for a shrinking pool of doctors.
And the following verse is for the corporate theives and government slugs:
For in vain is a net spread in the sight of any bird, but these men lie in wait for their own blood; they set an ambush for their own lives. Such are the ways of everyone who is greedy for unjust gain; it takes away the life of its possessors. Prov. 1:17-19
Obama is Pro Islamist
Obama is all for the rebels, unless they are not radical Islamists.
Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohammed Morsi in distress; Obama administration sending reinforcements | Walid Shoebat::
Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohammed Morsi in distress; Obama administration sending reinforcements | Walid Shoebat::
Attention Farm Bureau Members
This is your chance to stand for sustainable medicine, free markets, small business, and oppose the corruption of medicine and our form of government. Please go to this link and voice opposition to all the crap in Obamacare.
Idaho Farm Bureau Legislative Action Program::
Idaho Farm Bureau Legislative Action Program::
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Don't Take the Bait
The federal government must get states to voluntarily subject their populations to the horrors of Obamacare and its taxes. Please demand that Idaho just say no!
Why Idaho shouldn’t set up health exchange - Idaho Press-Tribune: Members::
Why Idaho shouldn’t set up health exchange - Idaho Press-Tribune: Members::
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Government Painting Charts
This article shows in part how government paints the manufacturing chart. It simply has to get Government Motors to cooperate in putting pressure on its dealer network to increase inventory. In economic reporting Government paints the GDP chart with deficit spending. Employment figures, the government publishes, ignore the impact of discouraged workers, part time work and shrinking wages. The chronic economic disaster is hidden systematically and in numerous ways. Virtual bread lines are over 47 million long and do you really believe we are in recovery? While negotiations to deepen the debt hole (raise the ceiling?) get the spotlight, expect Obamacare to do the real damage as businesses cut hours, drop insurance, and in some cases simply close the doors. But the media keeps the spotlight where they want it, and so bright that all the important stuff is in the shadows. Benghazi? So what? Obamacare? Who cares? Total debt? Sustainability is adding to it indefinitely. Our leaders pretend it is all legitimate, and the king parades naked while the tailors rob the blind, gapping crowd.
GM Channel Stuffing WTF!? | ZeroHedge::
GM Channel Stuffing WTF!? | ZeroHedge::
Atlas Shrugging?
Atlas shrugs every time a business goes overseas in search of a more friendly business climate or to stay competitive (alive). Atlas shrugs every time a small business person hides income. And Atlas will probably shrug some more as the impact of Obamacare drives entreprenuers and small businesses to simply throw in the towel during the coming year.
My Blog::
My Blog::
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
America's Shrinking Net Worth
To win economically you must produce more than you consume, and invest the difference. We have not done that here in the land of the free for at least 3 decades and our days of reconing appear to be pretty close. One of these days it will be time to stop feeding the parasite. It will be time to just throw in the towel, declare government the winner, and all rush to the low side of the ship and just let it roll over. While it promises to be a nasty event, the longer it is put off, the less the likelihood that the old ship will ever right itself once it happens. If you don't like to sound of that, well then it is time to fight for your freedom. Start by calling all your state legislators to oppose a state managed Obamacare Exchange. Remind them that Idaho is supposed to be a sovereign entity. Learn your history. Understand your rights to life, liberty, and property. Pay attention to what your children are taught in school, it is your God-given responsibilty. If we let the socialists (Secular Humanists) teach the next generation, don't expect the next generation to believe in unalienable (God-given) rights to life, liberty, and property.
Study: American Households Hit 43-Year Low In Net Worth « CBS DC::
Study: American Households Hit 43-Year Low In Net Worth « CBS DC::
Monday, December 3, 2012
Asia Times "Post US World"
The world correctly sees us as a nation in rapid decline, and the foreign press is willing to say things that our own media will just cover up. Our decline is not inevitable, it is our own choice. To succeed economically is not complex. You simply must produce more than you consume, and invest the difference. We have not done that for decades and instead pretend to mandate prosperity for all, while really giving power and wealth to the politically favored. Also of interest is that half way around the world they know how economically destructive Obamacare is even while I can scarcely get support for a resolution opposing it within our local Republican Party. Consider this quote from the article: "And America's strength as an innovator and incubator of entrepreneurs has diminished drastically since the 2008 crisis, no thanks to the Obama administration, which imposed a steep task on start-up businesses in the form of its healthcare program."
Asia Times Online :: Post-US world born in Phnom Penh::
Asia Times Online :: Post-US world born in Phnom Penh::
Friday, November 30, 2012
Who Wanted Stevens Dead and Why?
We have a national security emergency being swept under the rug.
(8) Operation Benghazi Accountability::
(8) Operation Benghazi Accountability::
Thursday, November 29, 2012
This Chart Says it All
This chart shows that while government employment and welfare have grown over the last decade, the tax-paying part of the economy (private employment) has shrunk. I would suggest that private sector total employment is one of the best indicators of economic growth/recovery. This chart proves that we have not had a real recovery in the last decade and given what we are doing should not expect one. Who knows though, maybe the energy boom will hold off our reconing day and allow us to grow government even bigger before it rolls over.
America's Lost Decade In One Simple Chart | ZeroHedge::
America's Lost Decade In One Simple Chart | ZeroHedge::
Secular Humanists Evangelizing
The Secular Humanists have launched another nationwide campaign targeting children. The reason I post this out is not to support it. It is to suggest that while they claim to be non-religious, I think that they are very much so. In fact we all have a value system, philosophy of life, or worldview, all of which are different ways of describing religion. What you assume to be true about mankind, God (authority), morality, and truth, will very much determine where government gets its authority and what roll it should play. Our founding fathers argued from a Christian worldview that "all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights...", resulting in rule of law, limited government, individual rights, and free markets. It is no accident that Secular Humanism and secular states give moral and legal authority to the majority, to a set of elites, and to government itself since secularism must by default do so. It is also no accident that secular states, which default to Collectivism, Socialism, and Communism have a horrendous record on human rights, especially as they become more faithful to the fundamental assumptions that come with their worldview. The secularist worldview is being promoted in the media, in our schools and in government policy and so it should come as no surprise that we are therefor losing the political system built on a whole different set of assumtions.
Kids Without God::
Kids Without God::
Student Loan Debt Bubble Popping?
In a system saturated with debt, where will we turn next for more credit to keep the Keynesian game going?
The Scariest Chart Of The Quarter: Student Debt Bubble Officially Pops As 90 Day Delinquency Rate Goes Parabolic | ZeroHedge::
The Scariest Chart Of The Quarter: Student Debt Bubble Officially Pops As 90 Day Delinquency Rate Goes Parabolic | ZeroHedge::
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
More on Access to the Land
One organization active in the fight to protect the access and use of our land in the west blogs here: They are worth looking up and following. They are engaged in the fight over western land and resources.
Powderhouse Becomes Powder Keg::
Powderhouse Becomes Powder Keg::
Logging Jobs Under Threat
This article reveals how the noose of federal restrictions and activist litigation is possibly being tightened around our logging industry. How is it that you can read the limited, enumerated powers delegated to the federal government in the constitution, and not find commerce or natural resource management listed and yet they control/oversee almost everything? It seems obvious that Agenda 21 explains where this is heading.
HAMPTON: Millions of jobs at stake in logging case - Washington Times::
HAMPTON: Millions of jobs at stake in logging case - Washington Times::
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Death Sentense for Hobby Lobby
Given the size of the penalties they aren't just punative, they are a death sentense to the company that refuses the culture of death the federal government is promoting. So where is the state government on this issue? Should it not protect the liberties of these business owners? If the states are independent sovereigns, why dont they act like it?
Hobby Lobby files appeal in battle against ObamaCare contraception provisions | Fox News::
Hobby Lobby files appeal in battle against ObamaCare contraception provisions | Fox News::
Attention Liberals
Many liberals like to eat organic and yet love big government, which by the way, always responds to big corporate lobbying. In this instance big government is backing Monsanto sized business to make (as usual) the small grower carry the cost of genetic polution blowing on breezes. You have got to be Progressive to like this experiment.
Organic farmers condemn U.S. report, claim it favors GMO - Yahoo! News Canada::
Organic farmers condemn U.S. report, claim it favors GMO - Yahoo! News Canada::
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Update on Race to the Bottom
Here is an update on foreign demand for our dollar. Your dollars are only as good as they are popular.
China Persists In Refusing To Buy US Paper As Foreign LTM Purchases Of Treasurys Plunge To Three Year Lows | ZeroHedge::
China Persists In Refusing To Buy US Paper As Foreign LTM Purchases Of Treasurys Plunge To Three Year Lows | ZeroHedge::
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Bernanke Encouraging More Fiscal Recklessness
Bernanke says that we could enjoy a "very good year". We just have to ignore the long term and borrow and print and spend like madmen, and it will be great next year. The fact that he and others are calling cutting spending and raising taxes a "fiscal cliff" indicates that they are committed to outspending revenue until the whole system goes off a real fiscal cliff (not that raising taxes wouldn't backfire). In other words we are addicted to borrowing, printing, and overspending and don't have the courage or the political will to rein in spending and go through the difficult economic adjustment necessary to get back on a healthy, sustainable footing. Will the new American energy revolution in oil and natural gas development save us? It is helping us avoid much of the pain already, but could perpetuate these horrible economic policies by holding off the consequences they would otherwise bring on with great force. QE III is targetting mortgages so we will probably see some re-inflation of housing prices until that shot of cocain wears off and it begins to look like Housing Bubble II instead. Who knows, but all this manipulation doesn't create wealth but transfers massive amounts of it. Hard work and honest trade becomes less and less rewarding, while working the corrupted system becomes the easiest way to make it in a system with less and less accountability, transparency and integrity.
Budget Fight Threatens U.S. Recession, Bernanke Says::
Budget Fight Threatens U.S. Recession, Bernanke Says::
The Argentina Road
Slide 1::
Monday, November 19, 2012
The Destruction of Charity
If you want to destroy a people or a culture you put them on a program of government dependency and hand outs. They become useful political slaves with destroyed spirit and dignity. Consider this quote from the attached article: "In his 1935 State of the Union Address FDR admitted as much when he said,"The lessons of history, confirmed by the evidence immediately before me, show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. . . .”"
Letting Down Abraham Lincoln::
Letting Down Abraham Lincoln::
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Blowing Our Money
When I see the horizon lit up with the red lights that mark the wind-mills, I immediately think of the taxpayer dollars being thrown into the wind, as well as being reminded of the corruption that government control over industries generates (Solindra). Speaking of government control and corruption, don't forget to call governor Otter's office to voice opposition to a state managed Obamacare exchange. The number is 208-334-2100.
Americans for Prosperity Leads Coalition of 88 Organizations Opposing Extension of Wind Energy Subsidy | Americans for Prosperity::
Americans for Prosperity Leads Coalition of 88 Organizations Opposing Extension of Wind Energy Subsidy | Americans for Prosperity::
Friday, November 16, 2012
Obamacare Surcharge
When businesses are taxed, they either must pass on the cost or profitability suffers, and too much of that and they are out of business. So a tax on businesses is really a tax on customers. The cost of everything we buy is inflated by the taxes paid by the producers. It is always the working poor and needy who are impacted the most by raising taxes on the producers, since their money goes for necessities that are more expensive than they should be.
Denny's to charge 5% 'Obamacare surcharge' and cut employee hours to deal with cost of legislation | Mail Online::
Denny's to charge 5% 'Obamacare surcharge' and cut employee hours to deal with cost of legislation | Mail Online::
Monday, November 12, 2012
Virtual Breadlines
This site points out some relevant info on our virtual breadlines in the current chronic economic decline.
Food Stamp Nation: What a Modern Day Bread Line Looks Like (Infographic) by Crisis Watch:: Watch
Food Stamp Nation: What a Modern Day Bread Line Looks Like (Infographic) by Crisis Watch:: Watch
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Understanding Green
The Post Sustainability Institute - Our Mission::
Friday, November 9, 2012
Montana Health Freedom Referendum
Montana's citizens took up the battle where their representatives in state government failed them. Do Idahoans have the same independent spirit that Wyoming and Montana's people have? Or will we cower under the federal boot with a wimper? I think we, the people of Idaho, need to resist even if you elected representatives roll over. The lobbyists for big insurance and medicine in Idaho are pouring money into this in support of Obamacare, so if you want your rights defended, it is up to you.
Montana Health Care Measure, LR-122 (2012) - Ballotpedia::
Montana Health Care Measure, LR-122 (2012) - Ballotpedia::
Ron Can Do Math
Ron's world is the real world where two plus two still equals four, and "there is no such thing as a free lunch", which by the way means that QE is just another form of taxation. But it is a form exercised with no accountability, controls, or disclosure of who ultimately pays and who benefits. It is taxation without representation if ever there was any.
Ron Paul: We’re Already Over the Fiscal Cliff::
Ron Paul: We’re Already Over the Fiscal Cliff::
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Wyoming Health Care Freedom Act
Cheers for Wyoming! They stood strong on the wolf, and now on freedom of choice in healthcare.
The Federal and State Implications of Wyoming’s Health Care Freedom Amendment | Wyoming Liberty Group::
The Federal and State Implications of Wyoming’s Health Care Freedom Amendment | Wyoming Liberty Group::
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
I would like to congratulate Dan Schmidt on a clean campaign. While disappointed with yesterday’s results, I feel a great debt of gratitude to all of my supporters who have given so much and been such a blessing to me. And I encourage all of you to continue to take seriously the responsibilities that come with what freedom we have left.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
EXCLUSIVE: CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, sources say | Fox News::
Friday, October 26, 2012
Government is good at one thing: It knows how to break your legs, hand you a crutch, and say "See, if it weren't for the government, you wouldn't be able to walk." - Harry Browne
This movie documents the plans and history of the Left here in America.
AGENDA is now FREE to watch on Vimeo! Please share before election.::
AGENDA is now FREE to watch on Vimeo! Please share before election.::
Sunday, October 21, 2012
When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President; I'm beginning to believe it. ~ Clarence Darrow
Government spending creates several forms of dependency. One is the individual dependency of welfare recipients that this article observes. The other, more ominous, is the economic dependency that most countries in Western Civilization are trapped in. Once you have built too much economic dependency on government spending it becomes painful to cut spending since it creates immediate economic contraction, so the only option politically palatable is to keep on spending. So governments spend at an increasing rate even as the private sector shrinks in relative size. This goes on until it can’t any longer, and governments (and economies) fail right when dependency peaks. I have to ask, what is safe about the whole "safety net" when it becomes a snare with no way out? The"fiscal cliff” that the press is wringing its hands about is evidence we are stuck in the debt trap with no easy way out. When our politicians must pick between depression now or worse later, they always pick the second option.
Welfare spending jumps 32% during Obama's presidency - Washington Times::
Welfare spending jumps 32% during Obama's presidency - Washington Times::
Anyone Else See a Trend Here?
PIMCO: 'The US Will Get Downgraded' - Business Insider::
Friday, October 12, 2012
Baby Bouma
Today my wife became a grandmother and I a grandfather. Praise God, mother and baby are healthy and well.
This article is a must read and especially for those sceptical of the necessity for free market reforms in medicine. To dissentangle medicine from government is to begin to uncorrupt it and remove barriers to competition. Even my browzer tried to keep me from going to the clinic's website ( to view their pricing. Obamacare puts a freeze on any more clinics like this being allowed, so don't buy the lie that it encourages competition. Here is the article:
Thursday, October 11, 2012
More on the Jobs Report
This article provides some helpful details about how the jobs reports is created.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Questioning Obamacare
Does anyone remember the fiscal cliff?
If it’s so good for the little guy, how come big medicine is lobbying so hard for it?
If it’s so good for the little guy, how come big insurance is lobbying for it?
If its such great law, how come all of Obama’s buddies are exempted from it?
If it’s so good for us, how come Congress exempted themselves from it?
When has the government been even close in projecting the cost of one of its programs?
How can medical service be improved by adding 16,000 IRS agents and an untold number of bureaucrats?
How will adding numerous government employees to the patient-doctor relationship make it cheaper?
If they have to economize, whose pay will get cut, the government employees, or the doctors and hospitals?
How will that impact Idaho’s doctor shortage?
When it doesn’t work, how many more bureaucrats will they hire to fix it?
If Sebelius has unlimited ability to add to the 2,700 pages already written, how many more will she add?
Is she god?
If this is being administered by Federal employees, is it written in 6th grade English?
Who the heck wrote it?
Who makes the most off it?
Any drugs involved here?
If it’s so good for the little guy, how come big medicine is lobbying so hard for it?
If it’s so good for the little guy, how come big insurance is lobbying for it?
If its such great law, how come all of Obama’s buddies are exempted from it?
If it’s so good for us, how come Congress exempted themselves from it?
When has the government been even close in projecting the cost of one of its programs?
How can medical service be improved by adding 16,000 IRS agents and an untold number of bureaucrats?
How will adding numerous government employees to the patient-doctor relationship make it cheaper?
If they have to economize, whose pay will get cut, the government employees, or the doctors and hospitals?
How will that impact Idaho’s doctor shortage?
When it doesn’t work, how many more bureaucrats will they hire to fix it?
If Sebelius has unlimited ability to add to the 2,700 pages already written, how many more will she add?
Is she god?
If this is being administered by Federal employees, is it written in 6th grade English?
Who the heck wrote it?
Who makes the most off it?
Any drugs involved here?
Monday, October 8, 2012
Obamacre Summed Up
This less than 2 minute clip is rich.
Obamacare Summed Up in One Sentence - YouTube::
Obamacare Summed Up in One Sentence - YouTube::
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Devil is in the Details in Employment
How many jobs added were part time? More importantly, how many jobs were in government? How many were temporary? Where is the seasonal adjustment? Our economy has too many government and service sector jobs already, has factory production gone up or are we getting farther from equilibrium? Have we really grown the private sector job market? Why is the U6 unemployment rate high and unchanged? What is happening in Total Employment? The devil is always in the details.
David Rosenberg On Obama, Jobs Report - Business Insider::
David Rosenberg On Obama, Jobs Report - Business Insider::
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Hiding Obamacare's Impact
Sebelius helps Obama by hiding Obamacare's pain |
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Obamacare Flowchart
How can adding the following help contain out-of-control costs in medicine? "As this graphic shows, the new law creates 68 grant programs, 47 bureaucratic entities, 29 demonstration or pilot programs, 6 regulatory systems, 6 compliance standards and 2 entitlements." If we also take into account government's track record on projecting costs, it is ludicrous to expect the costs to be as low as they claim. Medicare, for instance, was about ten times as expensive as projected in 1967. As we make medicine just another branch of government we will destroy accountability, costs control, the doctor-patient relationship, and any chance of meaningful and necessary reforms in medicine.
Obamacare Complicated? Check Out The Flow Chart - Home - The Daily Bail::
Obamacare Complicated? Check Out The Flow Chart - Home - The Daily Bail::
Monday, October 1, 2012
Beware of"Robin Hood”
One cornerstone of justice is equal standing before the law. It is symbolized in the statue of a blindfolded lady justice holding a set of scales. Almost nothing should matter but the act in a truly just system--not how rich you are, not the color of your skin, not your religion, not whether you helped write the legislation—just the act. And justice is largely blinded to the rest (with exception to intent, which is really part of the act). Obamacare fails in this regard. Well over a thousand waivers have been granted to the"politically well connected” since the law was written. Of course, one reason the law is 2,700 pages long is to carefully delineate winners and losers, so if they had just been a little more thorough the waivers would be unnecessary. But whether a law is inherently unjust or is applied unjustly is irrelevant. In either case the system is being abused and therefore people are being abused. It can be generally observed that it is those without a lot of political clout that always suffer and the winners are those who have both a presence and money in DC.
With government involvement in medicine over the last hundred years came restrictions on competition, protectionism and even mandated treatments. As economist Milton Friedman predicted in 1961, costs went up and quality suffered. Obamacare capitalizes on these problems and uses them as the excuse to concentrate more power and control, and those hurt the most in the long run are the poor. As the system becomes less and less functional, the poor will not have the resources to buy their way around waiting lines and treatment restrictions. Beware the government that pretends to be Robin Hood, since it is Prince John that has always been behind the mask when it is lifted.
One cornerstone of justice is equal standing before the law. It is symbolized in the statue of a blindfolded lady justice holding a set of scales. Almost nothing should matter but the act in a truly just system--not how rich you are, not the color of your skin, not your religion, not whether you helped write the legislation—just the act. And justice is largely blinded to the rest (with exception to intent, which is really part of the act). Obamacare fails in this regard. Well over a thousand waivers have been granted to the"politically well connected” since the law was written. Of course, one reason the law is 2,700 pages long is to carefully delineate winners and losers, so if they had just been a little more thorough the waivers would be unnecessary. But whether a law is inherently unjust or is applied unjustly is irrelevant. In either case the system is being abused and therefore people are being abused. It can be generally observed that it is those without a lot of political clout that always suffer and the winners are those who have both a presence and money in DC.
With government involvement in medicine over the last hundred years came restrictions on competition, protectionism and even mandated treatments. As economist Milton Friedman predicted in 1961, costs went up and quality suffered. Obamacare capitalizes on these problems and uses them as the excuse to concentrate more power and control, and those hurt the most in the long run are the poor. As the system becomes less and less functional, the poor will not have the resources to buy their way around waiting lines and treatment restrictions. Beware the government that pretends to be Robin Hood, since it is Prince John that has always been behind the mask when it is lifted.
Ranchers The Threatened Specie
With the media whipping up outrage over this removal of a wolf-pack that adapted to eating beef, it is the western rancher that will lose his profit margin and therefor his livelihood if things don't change soon. To wipe out the average business you just need to reduce revenue or add to expenses by a relatively small amount and it is no longer a viable business. Wolves do this to many western ranchers. With Forest Service leases that once providing high quality forage no longer a safe place to feed cattle, the rancher's cost of production goes up significantly. Even private land in rural areas loses its value as range. The implications for the rest of the rural west are that our economy is damaged. When our ranchers thrive we all benefit, whether the money they make recharges our local economies, or their low cost of production helps keep the cost of food lower, the benefits ripple out from every successful rural business. Even more important, however, is the fact that their ability to pursue their hopes and dreams, to feed their children, to bless their neighbors all goes out the window because of the success of this strategy to use this non-resident wild dog transplanted from northern Canada. The resident animal that had been here had very different packing instincts, was not as large, was more reclusive, and was simply not doing the economic or ecological damage that this imported wolf is doing.
Killing of wolf pack criticized by key Washington state lawmaker - U.S. News::
Killing of wolf pack criticized by key Washington state lawmaker - U.S. News::
Sunday, September 30, 2012
With it becoming painfully obvious that oxymorons like a "service based economy" or "consumer based economy" are ludicrous ideas springing from failed (Keynesian) economic theory, we are left with the obvious lesson that you must have a healthy "goods" producing sector to have a working economy. This article informs us that our producers are in contraction, signaling an early warning that government attempts to borrow and buy a recovery are a dismal failure.
Business Activity in U.S. Shrinks for First Time Since 2009 - Bloomberg::
Business Activity in U.S. Shrinks for First Time Since 2009 - Bloomberg::
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Job Killing Regulations
We will have our recovery when we see a dramatic increase in human labor being combined with resources to produce more wealth in the economy, and unless we deal with job-killing regulations such as Obamacare, we won't see a resurrection of a healthy economy here in America. Don't expect housing to have a healthy, sustainable recovery until the private sector (sustainable) job market takes off.
Shiller Data Questions Housing Revival Power: Cutting Research::
Shiller Data Questions Housing Revival Power: Cutting Research::
Friday, September 28, 2012
Who Wrote Obamacare?
Every time law becomes more complex, confusing and bureaucratic there are winners and losers. Usually the winners helped author the law. We know that Obamacare was not written by the legislators, they had to pass it to see what was in it. We also know that it was not a grass roots effort. Twenty seven hundred pages of complex legal content do not just spring into being without lawyers and lots of them. I guess that just leaves lobbyists and special interest groups as the source of America’s most opaque legislation. It looks like, just as ethanol mandates, subsidies and trade barrier are to the corn lobby, Obamacare with its insurance mandates and subsidies will be to medical insurance insiders. Washington DC is an insiders game. During the financial crisis it was America’s biggest financial institutions that were bailed out, so now, in our government-caused medical crisis, our biggest insurers and drug manufacturer will have even more of an inside track. This intense, corrupt collaborative effort between big government and big business will not help either the poor or middle class. It will destroy competition, innovation, and market restraints on cost. While liberalism loves to accuse free market capitalism of greed, the truth is that free market capitalism is the answer to the greed problem. When businesses get too greedy the customers discipline them by patronizing someone else. Greed, however, is completely unrestrained when big government acts with its protection, subsidies, mandates, and bail outs. It always claims to be defending the little guy, but reality trumps rhetoric, and the reality is that big medicine and big insurance had lawyers at the table and we didn’t. So who does wine and dine our politicians? And who wines and dines and buys vacations for our doctors? And who the heck wrote Obamacare?
Every time law becomes more complex, confusing and bureaucratic there are winners and losers. Usually the winners helped author the law. We know that Obamacare was not written by the legislators, they had to pass it to see what was in it. We also know that it was not a grass roots effort. Twenty seven hundred pages of complex legal content do not just spring into being without lawyers and lots of them. I guess that just leaves lobbyists and special interest groups as the source of America’s most opaque legislation. It looks like, just as ethanol mandates, subsidies and trade barrier are to the corn lobby, Obamacare with its insurance mandates and subsidies will be to medical insurance insiders. Washington DC is an insiders game. During the financial crisis it was America’s biggest financial institutions that were bailed out, so now, in our government-caused medical crisis, our biggest insurers and drug manufacturer will have even more of an inside track. This intense, corrupt collaborative effort between big government and big business will not help either the poor or middle class. It will destroy competition, innovation, and market restraints on cost. While liberalism loves to accuse free market capitalism of greed, the truth is that free market capitalism is the answer to the greed problem. When businesses get too greedy the customers discipline them by patronizing someone else. Greed, however, is completely unrestrained when big government acts with its protection, subsidies, mandates, and bail outs. It always claims to be defending the little guy, but reality trumps rhetoric, and the reality is that big medicine and big insurance had lawyers at the table and we didn’t. So who does wine and dine our politicians? And who wines and dines and buys vacations for our doctors? And who the heck wrote Obamacare?
Thursday, September 27, 2012
There's a reason Big Medicine
Wants Obamacare,
Your money's at stake,
Do you have some to spare?
"Pass it to read it",
And what do you get?
Less healthcare choices,
And deeper in debt!
Don't be a fool,
It's not "sharing the wealth",
D'you know what it is?
Taxation by stealth.
Is no Robin Hood,
It raises your taxes,
"for your own good".
Gresham Bouma and staff
There's a reason Big Medicine
Wants Obamacare,
Your money's at stake,
Do you have some to spare?
"Pass it to read it",
And what do you get?
Less healthcare choices,
And deeper in debt!
Don't be a fool,
It's not "sharing the wealth",
D'you know what it is?
Taxation by stealth.
Is no Robin Hood,
It raises your taxes,
"for your own good".
Gresham Bouma and staff
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Obamacare and the BIG Picture
Have you noticed the irony? At least in our local media it’s constantly on display. One day they are telling us we are idiots if we don’t take all the money the government is dumping into PPACA, the next they are wringing their editorial hands over the fiscal cliff facing us in January, then the next they are once again assuring us the Federal government will be picking up the tab for Obamacare for years to come. Are we really this stupid?
Well, call me an idiot if you want for questioning Obamacare, because that is almost the sum total of the arguments for the program. But the arguments against it are powerful and numerous. Today lets look at one of them, the big financial picture.
We have more debt than we can possibly repay. We also have more debt than the 16 Trillion advertised, since the government doesn’t have to follow the accounting rules it enforces on others. But while that debt, that accumulation of reckless spending on our behalf by politicians, is big enough to forever change America, there is another that dwarfs it. The largest debt in the world, the other debt that not only compares with our national debt but actually dwarfs it, is the un-funded liability in Medicare, which is around 83 trillion and counting. This is how much government, if it followed the rules it properly imposes on businesses, should have saved up to cover Medicare commitments already made. This big financial picture is so out of whack that to add to the healthcare programs now, to expand them, is absurd! It is almost as if we can’t read or add anymore. Medicare is hopelessly bankrupt and to fix it we are expanding its sister program? Who are we going to bring in to guide us through the bankruptcy procedure when our government gets done with us? Do these guys in DC really not know that they are taking us deeper into crisis? Is this really just stupidity and greed, or is it betrayal by some? And why, why would they want us going through the financial disaster they are creating?
Note: this article is the first in a series on Obamacare written by Gresham Bouma, candidate for the Idaho Senate, District 5.
Well, call me an idiot if you want for questioning Obamacare, because that is almost the sum total of the arguments for the program. But the arguments against it are powerful and numerous. Today lets look at one of them, the big financial picture.
We have more debt than we can possibly repay. We also have more debt than the 16 Trillion advertised, since the government doesn’t have to follow the accounting rules it enforces on others. But while that debt, that accumulation of reckless spending on our behalf by politicians, is big enough to forever change America, there is another that dwarfs it. The largest debt in the world, the other debt that not only compares with our national debt but actually dwarfs it, is the un-funded liability in Medicare, which is around 83 trillion and counting. This is how much government, if it followed the rules it properly imposes on businesses, should have saved up to cover Medicare commitments already made. This big financial picture is so out of whack that to add to the healthcare programs now, to expand them, is absurd! It is almost as if we can’t read or add anymore. Medicare is hopelessly bankrupt and to fix it we are expanding its sister program? Who are we going to bring in to guide us through the bankruptcy procedure when our government gets done with us? Do these guys in DC really not know that they are taking us deeper into crisis? Is this really just stupidity and greed, or is it betrayal by some? And why, why would they want us going through the financial disaster they are creating?
Note: this article is the first in a series on Obamacare written by Gresham Bouma, candidate for the Idaho Senate, District 5.
Social Security's Insolvency
Without admitting it, this article clearly implies that the Social Security System is insolvent. It is also an implied admission that yesterday's economic good times are no longer part of the "new normal" life in a bankrupt social welfare state. Bottom line? We should have known that retirement was way too important to entrust to the collective.
How high will the retirement age go? - - MSN Money::
How high will the retirement age go? - - MSN Money::
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Govmint's Food Stamp Army
Perhaps most shocking in this short video is the government add to join the food stamp army.
Land of The Freebies, Home of the Enslaved - YouTube::
Land of The Freebies, Home of the Enslaved - YouTube::
Monday, September 24, 2012
Jobless Recoveries and Other Oxymorons
What would the soup lines look like if people had to line up for food like they did in the last depression? They would be 47 million long since that is how many food stamp recipients we have today. Why are so many people more dependent on government than ever before? Where are the Jobs?
Someone once said, it’s the economy stupid, but I say"It’s the job market stupid.”. Jobs--our college students need them, our families need them. We just don’t have a recovery without them.
We know that even the government is concerned about jobs now, since that was the excuse given for QE 3 several weeks ago. This last round of QE amounts to 40 Billion dollars per month and targets mortgages, which is a way to try to breath life into the housing market. This round of QE is also open ended, which means there are no limits to its extent. They intend to buy as much as it takes until they see improvement in the job market.
Historically, printing money and using it to buy your own debt has always been a last-ditch desperate attempt by bankrupt governments to avoid both cutting spending and going through economic hardship. It has never worked out well in the long run. It can temporarily boost the economy but it robs those who hold your debt, and usually those who are being robbed figure it out, don’t like it and stop lending to you.
Let’s look at a little history. We have had two supposed recoveries in the last ten years or so. One was after the 2000 to 2001 recession. The Fed’s response to the recession was to set interest rates super low, actually lower than the rate of inflation. What economists call"real interest rates” which are adjusted for inflation, were actually negative. In other words, people were being paid to borrow, and borrow they did. Real estate took off and the low interest rates lit a fire under the price of houses. Employment went up in real estate, finance, and construction. Everything was good until the bubble burst and employment cratered in all three of the areas it had just boomed. When it was all said and done, more damage had been done than good. The recovery itself had proven to be a farce and we entered another more serious phase of economic trouble.
The response by government this time was drastic. Since the federal government had always been able to buy itself a recovery by simply borrowing and spending more, we did exactly that. It bailed out monopoly sized businesses and turned up the printing presses. All this did was paint a growing Gross Domestic Product chart, but that’s it. And a recovery that is funded by borrowing or printing is no recovery at all, and that is where we find ourselves today.
Today nation-wide we have virtual soup lines, known as food stamp recipients, 47 million long. Around 1 in 6 people get help from the government for food. We also have an all time record number of people on disability payments right now. When adjusted for inflation, during this last"recovery” median household incomes have fallen more than they did during the 2008"recession”. And jobs, jobs are so scarce that even CNBC recently wrote an article admitting the jobless rate is probably double the official rate. We need to remember one thing about all these discouraging statistics. They have all occurred in spite of massive deficit spending and stimulus. This fiscal year government is spending over 50% more than tax revenue, and it has run out of places to borrow.
It all comes around to my first two points. The economy is the job market. And, government can’t create jobs that aren’t dependent on continued government spending. Perhaps a third important point we should remember is that there is also an opportunity cost to government taxation and spending. When the government takes money out of the private sector and spends a job into existence the opportunity cost of that action is the ability of the private sector to create a job. The difference between the job created by the private sector and the government is that when the private sector creates them they fund themselves and produce sustainable economic growth.
I hope I have demonstrated that government cannot create recoveries, it can only prevent them. Recoveries always come from small business growth and hiring. They come from people pursuing their hopes and dreams, taking risk and seeking the rewards of profitable ownership. For growth to occur we need simpler regulations and lower taxes. We need a lighter burden of government on our individuals, families and businesses. And every business is vital. We need every logger, miner, rancher, farmer, manufacturer and whatever other business there is out there. Neither government nor the service industry have any future if our wealth producers do not grow and recover. The old service based economy is an oxymoron. To have a strong economy you must produce things that people want.
Whatever happened to the Idaho where our grandparents could come and work, buy and sell without needing permission for every detail? Government’s job is to simply act as referee, keeping the game honest. It should protect everyone’s rights, but that’s it. When it instead gets into the business of creating winners and losers, of pulling levers and spinning dials, and controlling every detail of everything we do, it just mucks things up. GE and GM are examples of what happens when government intervenes. The insiders do great, but you and I pay for it.
While we cannot stop the trouble coming at us from the national level, we can make Idaho a place that is still open for honest business. We can continue to utilize our natural resources responsibly. We can protect clean water and air and still allow businesses and therefor people to thrive. The bottom line is that for genuine recoveries to occur, more than anything else, you need the economic freedom that comes when government plays a very limited roll. We will only have a strong and free Idaho if its people remain strong and free. Let’s make sure Idaho stands for freedom, and as it does so we will discover one of freedom’s side benefits is genuine, sustainable economic growth. If our founding fathers were correct, then government’s job is to protect our unalienable or God-given rights. I’m afraid the dog that’s supposed to be guarding the chicken coop is eating the flock. Let’s get it back on its proper job.
Someone once said, it’s the economy stupid, but I say"It’s the job market stupid.”. Jobs--our college students need them, our families need them. We just don’t have a recovery without them.
We know that even the government is concerned about jobs now, since that was the excuse given for QE 3 several weeks ago. This last round of QE amounts to 40 Billion dollars per month and targets mortgages, which is a way to try to breath life into the housing market. This round of QE is also open ended, which means there are no limits to its extent. They intend to buy as much as it takes until they see improvement in the job market.
Historically, printing money and using it to buy your own debt has always been a last-ditch desperate attempt by bankrupt governments to avoid both cutting spending and going through economic hardship. It has never worked out well in the long run. It can temporarily boost the economy but it robs those who hold your debt, and usually those who are being robbed figure it out, don’t like it and stop lending to you.
Let’s look at a little history. We have had two supposed recoveries in the last ten years or so. One was after the 2000 to 2001 recession. The Fed’s response to the recession was to set interest rates super low, actually lower than the rate of inflation. What economists call"real interest rates” which are adjusted for inflation, were actually negative. In other words, people were being paid to borrow, and borrow they did. Real estate took off and the low interest rates lit a fire under the price of houses. Employment went up in real estate, finance, and construction. Everything was good until the bubble burst and employment cratered in all three of the areas it had just boomed. When it was all said and done, more damage had been done than good. The recovery itself had proven to be a farce and we entered another more serious phase of economic trouble.
The response by government this time was drastic. Since the federal government had always been able to buy itself a recovery by simply borrowing and spending more, we did exactly that. It bailed out monopoly sized businesses and turned up the printing presses. All this did was paint a growing Gross Domestic Product chart, but that’s it. And a recovery that is funded by borrowing or printing is no recovery at all, and that is where we find ourselves today.
Today nation-wide we have virtual soup lines, known as food stamp recipients, 47 million long. Around 1 in 6 people get help from the government for food. We also have an all time record number of people on disability payments right now. When adjusted for inflation, during this last"recovery” median household incomes have fallen more than they did during the 2008"recession”. And jobs, jobs are so scarce that even CNBC recently wrote an article admitting the jobless rate is probably double the official rate. We need to remember one thing about all these discouraging statistics. They have all occurred in spite of massive deficit spending and stimulus. This fiscal year government is spending over 50% more than tax revenue, and it has run out of places to borrow.
It all comes around to my first two points. The economy is the job market. And, government can’t create jobs that aren’t dependent on continued government spending. Perhaps a third important point we should remember is that there is also an opportunity cost to government taxation and spending. When the government takes money out of the private sector and spends a job into existence the opportunity cost of that action is the ability of the private sector to create a job. The difference between the job created by the private sector and the government is that when the private sector creates them they fund themselves and produce sustainable economic growth.
I hope I have demonstrated that government cannot create recoveries, it can only prevent them. Recoveries always come from small business growth and hiring. They come from people pursuing their hopes and dreams, taking risk and seeking the rewards of profitable ownership. For growth to occur we need simpler regulations and lower taxes. We need a lighter burden of government on our individuals, families and businesses. And every business is vital. We need every logger, miner, rancher, farmer, manufacturer and whatever other business there is out there. Neither government nor the service industry have any future if our wealth producers do not grow and recover. The old service based economy is an oxymoron. To have a strong economy you must produce things that people want.
Whatever happened to the Idaho where our grandparents could come and work, buy and sell without needing permission for every detail? Government’s job is to simply act as referee, keeping the game honest. It should protect everyone’s rights, but that’s it. When it instead gets into the business of creating winners and losers, of pulling levers and spinning dials, and controlling every detail of everything we do, it just mucks things up. GE and GM are examples of what happens when government intervenes. The insiders do great, but you and I pay for it.
While we cannot stop the trouble coming at us from the national level, we can make Idaho a place that is still open for honest business. We can continue to utilize our natural resources responsibly. We can protect clean water and air and still allow businesses and therefor people to thrive. The bottom line is that for genuine recoveries to occur, more than anything else, you need the economic freedom that comes when government plays a very limited roll. We will only have a strong and free Idaho if its people remain strong and free. Let’s make sure Idaho stands for freedom, and as it does so we will discover one of freedom’s side benefits is genuine, sustainable economic growth. If our founding fathers were correct, then government’s job is to protect our unalienable or God-given rights. I’m afraid the dog that’s supposed to be guarding the chicken coop is eating the flock. Let’s get it back on its proper job.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Audit the Fed
Please support this effort to pass Audit the Fed! Do my fellow countrymen really not want to know what this secretive quasi-governmental entity is doing with our currency? I hope not. The Fed cannot rob us without the majority of our legislators permitting it, and permit it they have, so lets find out how much has been issued and given to whom.
C4L: Audit the Fed!::
C4L: Audit the Fed!::
What the White House Wants
White House demands military prisons for Americans under NDAA — RT::
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Jobless Rate Really Twice Advertised
It beggs the question, is there such a thing as a jobless recovery?
US Jobless Rate Really at 16%, Not 8.1%: Expert - Asia Business News - CNBC - CNBC::
US Jobless Rate Really at 16%, Not 8.1%: Expert - Asia Business News - CNBC - CNBC::
Bouma Meet and Greet
Some friends have sponsored a meet and greet with Moscow business people in the Mall this evening (Monday) at 7:00 PM where I will be able to hear from the business community and answer questions as well as speak shortly. Please go to the East Entrance (the Winco end) and look for signs.
Thank you,
Thank you,
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Marc Faber on the Banking Wizards
Marc Faber: If I Were Bernanke, I Would Resign- Business News - CNBC::
Thursday, September 13, 2012
QE Favours the Rich
Nothing against the rich, it is not how wealthy you are, it is how you obtain it that matters. QE is a massive transfer of wealth, probably the largest in world history, and one that big government would like us all to be ignorant of. This is a great article, consider the following quote: "The Fed prints and prices rise for the people the Fed action pretends to help. The first round of QE drove food prices up 20% and oil up 59%. Then, QE2 pushed up oil another 30%, while food rose 15%."
QE favours the rich - MoneyWeek::
QE favours the rich - MoneyWeek::
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Another SWAT Team Arrest
You've gotta admire John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute, as well as others who are helping, for stepping in to do what needs to be done. It should not surprise us to see that as we abandon the idea of there being a Creator, and Natural Law (Moral Law), that we lose the protection of the Rule of Law. If the law comes from men then those men it comes from are above the law and will use it for their own purposes.
Arrest of Ex-Marine Points to Virginia's Casual Disregard for the Constitution - Forbes::
Arrest of Ex-Marine Points to Virginia's Casual Disregard for the Constitution - Forbes::
Hitler Economics
Bill Bonner is as much entertainment as economics due to his incomparable writing style.
Hitler economics - MoneyWeek::
Hitler economics - MoneyWeek::
Monday, September 10, 2012
Jobs Disappearing
The health of the economy is determined by its productivity. How much real wealth it produces. Ours is in chronic trouble caused by chronic overspending by our political class.
Men See Lowest Participation Rate on Record - Real Time Economics - WSJ::
Men See Lowest Participation Rate on Record - Real Time Economics - WSJ::
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Virtual Soup Line 46 Million Long
Could we have a depression, and suppress most of the evidence by borrowing and spending? If we did, what would happen when we could borrow no more?
Record 46 Million Americans Are on Food Stamps - CNBC::
Record 46 Million Americans Are on Food Stamps - CNBC::
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
More Fed Liquidity?
The Fed is inspecting their Keyensian bag of tricks and finding just more of the same. Now unending QE may be needed to fully liquidate the economy.
Fed Moves Toward Open-Ended Bond Purchases to Satisfy Bernanke - Bloomberg::
Fed Moves Toward Open-Ended Bond Purchases to Satisfy Bernanke - Bloomberg::
Friday, August 31, 2012
Banking System and Economies on Brink
The entire world is truggling with financial instability created by the central planners, borrowers, and money creators. My guess is that the problems created by the financial and political elite will be blamed on capitalism and what is left of free markets.
My Blog::
My Blog::
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Why Big business Loves Intervention
Big, geriatric corporations love big government most of all because they hate competition, and by curbing it government helps them extend their life span. The free market is organic. It has a birth-death cycle that keeps it healthy. Just as in the human body where cells must die and be replaced by young, new cells for the body to stay healthy, the same happens in a free market economy. In a corporate fascist market/economy you have monopoly-sized businesses guilty of gross errors and corrupt practices being at times bailed out, as well as constantly afforded the protection of regulatory barriers to competition. The AIGs, Goldman Sachs, GMs, and GEs are all rewarded for their faithful service to the political class, and the middle class picks up the tab. This brief article explains a little of what goes on these days. This quote gives you a hint as to who the thugs are, and who gets mugged: "The consumer, who is also a taxpayer, ends up paying the government to rig prices against him."
One last point: some of the businesses that hate competition, and lobby effectively for regulatory protection and more, are in the "non-profit" category.
The purpose of market intervention | Gold Price News::
One last point: some of the businesses that hate competition, and lobby effectively for regulatory protection and more, are in the "non-profit" category.
The purpose of market intervention | Gold Price News::
A Little More on NY Shooting
A Question About The NY Shooting | Eric Peters Autos::
Monday, August 27, 2012
The Program
The National Security Agency’s Domestic Spying Program -
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Taxes, Who Pays and Who Benefits?
Turns out that taxing the rich prohibitively to benefit everyone is like handicapping your basketball team's top scorer. It makes the team more equal, but you won't make nearly as many points as a team either, and will lose games because of it.
Most people don't realize that investment (business expansion) is done with after tax income, and raising tax rates not only removes some of the reward (or incentive), but also removes some of the actual ability to expand businesses and create jobs.
Issues 2012 | The U.S. Tax System: Who Really Pays?::
Most people don't realize that investment (business expansion) is done with after tax income, and raising tax rates not only removes some of the reward (or incentive), but also removes some of the actual ability to expand businesses and create jobs.
Issues 2012 | The U.S. Tax System: Who Really Pays?::
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Much More "Recovery" and We'll Really Be Broke
If during a recovery we have steadily eroding incomes and shrinking household wealth, then what will happen when the recovery ends? Perhaps we should measure our economic health in a more meaningful way, since government deficit spending can paint the GDP chart, and create the illusion that government action (spending) can stimulate the economy. Could government programs mask a chronic economic contraction? With over 46 million food stamp recipients, how long would the soup kitchen lines be if people still had to line up for food? One thing is clear, government dependency has increased over the course of this "recovery".
Sentier Research: US Incomes Fell More in Recovery Than During Crisis::
Sentier Research: US Incomes Fell More in Recovery Than During Crisis::
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Stealth QE
If the Central Bank creates money, lends it to the banks, and they turn around and buy Treasuries, are we still monetizing the debt?
Banks Use $1.77 Trillion to Double Treasury Purchases - Bloomberg::
Banks Use $1.77 Trillion to Double Treasury Purchases - Bloomberg::
Idaho's Strategic Asset
The Fed shutdown of Silver Valley's Lucky Friday Mine has impacted our silver output nationwide.
U.S. silver output plunges between January and May-U.S.G.S. - SILVER NEWS - Mineweb::
U.S. silver output plunges between January and May-U.S.G.S. - SILVER NEWS - Mineweb::
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Special Treatment and Ethanol
Our founding fathers argued for Unalienable, or God given, universal rights. These are thing that do not have to be taken from another human for you to posses. Life, liberty and property are still officially guaranteed to us in our Constitution, but we live in a day of special rights. Special rights are created by government in response to demand by constituency groups. Special rights create conflict since they involve things which must be taken from one group in order to be given to another. This article discusses the vying interests created by our government's gift to the ethanol producers, a gift that keeps on taking.
Edward Lotterman: Lessons from ethanol mandate debate | Edward Lotterman | Idaho Statesman::
Edward Lotterman: Lessons from ethanol mandate debate | Edward Lotterman | Idaho Statesman::
Monday, August 20, 2012
History of the AMA Monopoly
This article gives us the history of the suppression of competition in medicine. Obamacare, while claiming to increase competition, will do just the opposite. It is good news only for the largest of corporate interests, while the solutions America desperately needs (which frequently don't come in a pill form) will be regulated into the black market. Homeopaths, Chiropractors, nutritionists, alternative treatments and more will be frozen out since what the wickedly profitable (those with government protected profit) really hate is competition.
Medical Control, Medical Corruption by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.::
Medical Control, Medical Corruption by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.::
Trailcamms for Big Bro
Apparently Big Brother has video equipment in more and more places with face recognition software and data feeds to who knows where. Could put a real crimp on future Tea Parties.
The New Totalitarianism of Surveillance Technology by Naomi Wolf::
The New Totalitarianism of Surveillance Technology by Naomi Wolf::
Bravo to Rand
A little more on government surveillance.
Gazillions by Andrew P. Napolitano::
Gazillions by Andrew P. Napolitano::
Sunday, August 19, 2012
While free market capitalism is still a memory, shouldn't we consider whether the welfare state can work here when it has never worked anywhere else? Consider this quote from the article: "Just yesterday, speaking of his government takeover of the auto industry, Obama uttered this: "Now I want to do the same thing . .. in every industry.""
While I'm certain that governments cannot make heaven on earth, history is repleat with evidence that they can make hell.
As Obamanomics Entrenches Itself, America Turns Into A European-Style Welfare State -
While I'm certain that governments cannot make heaven on earth, history is repleat with evidence that they can make hell.
As Obamanomics Entrenches Itself, America Turns Into A European-Style Welfare State -
Friday, August 17, 2012
News on NDAA
I had missed this little bit of news related to NDAA and a lawsuit challenging it.
NDAA: The Most Important Lawsuit in American History that No One is Talking About | A Lightning War for Liberty::
NDAA: The Most Important Lawsuit in American History that No One is Talking About | A Lightning War for Liberty::
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Food Freedom
It is not just DC that turns people into raw milk criminals. Our own state does as well. Now plenty of us in rural Idaho go about buying and selling raw milk, but we do so as criminals. What is criminal however, is how industries use regulations to protect themselves from competition from small, high quality producers of products like raw milk or value added farm products.
Moms risk arrest: Capitol Hill protest for raw milk and lemonade stands August 18th | Washington Times Communities::
Moms risk arrest: Capitol Hill protest for raw milk and lemonade stands August 18th | Washington Times Communities::
Charles Koch on Economic Freedom
Freedom and economic freedom are inseparable. In a system where government controls everything, political connections will determine much of success. In a free market system it is honest labor, sound decisions and good service to others that the customers reward. The power is distributed to the people. Not a perfect system, but not one where power is concentrated and can be as easily abused and used to enslave the masses.
Charles Koch: Why We Fight for Economic Freedom::
Charles Koch: Why We Fight for Economic Freedom::
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Military Considering a Tea Party Threat?
Did I wake up in the wrong country?
EDITORIAL: The Civil War of 2016 - Washington Times::
EDITORIAL: The Civil War of 2016 - Washington Times::
Friday, August 10, 2012
Should Politicians Control Innovation?
The real problem with politicizing innovation in energy is not just the tremendously large waste of taxpayer money, it is the fact that it diverts innovation and invention from where they truly belong. It directs the financial and intellectual resources to where the lobbyists want them instead.
CARPE DIEM: Why Taxpayer Subsidies of Solar Are Diabolical::
CARPE DIEM: Why Taxpayer Subsidies of Solar Are Diabolical::
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Government Services!
And what services they are. We need more government agencies and more bureaucrats getting paid incredible salaries to spend exorbitant amounts of other peoples money, and I think we can get there through PPACA (Obamacare). Anyway, check out what the GSA has been up to, then ask yourself if you think that this is really an anomaly.
Mica: Embattled GSA Employees Got $44M in Undisclosed Bonuses::
Mica: Embattled GSA Employees Got $44M in Undisclosed Bonuses::
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Newspaper Attacked!
The article headline made me stop to contemplate its irony. The newspaper attacked for the third time in a month was in Mexico, a country where it is illegal to keep and bear arms. It was being reported in our newspaper that was clamoring for more gun control here in the states. A newspaper which has never been attacked at all as far as I know. The truth is that anyone arguing for stringent gun control is either not well informed, or supports some very evil intentions.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Audit the Fed Passes the House
Those who run the Fed, whoever they are, have gotten so good at alchemy lately that they don't even have to mix ingredients to produce what can be exchanged for gold itself. But for some reason, not only do they want to remain anonymous, they also want absolutely no accountability whatsoever. Our politicians don't want to mess with them either, since lately they are the biggest buyers of our debt, how could the politicians keep spending if the Fed didn't financed it? The gig would be up. The charade would end. And who would want a gig this good to end. The banksters harvest wealth from all those who hold dollar denominated financial assets. The theft occurs so surreptitiously that no one even feels it. The banksters create it ex-nihilo, and the politicians borrow it with the promise we and our children will pay it off. It supplies food, beer, cigarettes, apartments, the newest version of the handicapped curb and all sorts of goodies to the masses until it doesn't work any longer. If history were static and this could all go on, what a deal it would be. But it can't work in the long run, and even the bought-off masses would be outraged to learn that the lion's share of the take goes not to them, but the financial elite who walk off with Trillions while the masses, in all likelihood, get a thousand fold less. So lets see who the real winners are in this scam, and make sure Audit the Fed makes it through the Senate also!
Audit the Fed Passes! | Campaign for Liberty::
Audit the Fed Passes! | Campaign for Liberty::
Disability Benefits Exploding
It looks pretty obvious that the social security disability program is just another welfare program used to try to re-inflate the economy with freshly minted currency. What is also true is that it is another insolvent part of an insolvent Social Security system that is being brought toward crisis. Obamacare adds to the financial distress in the system as well by doing the opposite of what management needs to do immediately, which is bring projected spending in line with projected revenue. As we can observe in Europe, dependency peaks even as socialistic governments completely fail. We were once a culture that sacrificed in the present so that our children had a better future. Today our "leaders" sacrifice the future to defer the consequences of our excesses of the past.
8,753,935: Workers on Disability Set Another Record in July; Exceed Population of 39 States |
8,753,935: Workers on Disability Set Another Record in July; Exceed Population of 39 States |
Monday, July 23, 2012
Belgistan? Sharia Showdown Looms in Brussels - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -
All Seeing Eye Proliferates
FAA Has Authorized 106 Government ‘Entities’ to Fly Domestic Drones |
Saturday, July 21, 2012
So, It is the Tea Party's Fault?
Let's just say that the mainstream media and our government are successful at branding the grassroots movement known as the "Tea Party" as a dangerous, violent, even terrorist (according to some government reports) movement. What would the next repressive action look like? What is their ultimate goal? What ever the answer is to those questions, it is not pretty, but what is equally clear is that they fear this grass-roots movement or they would not be so hasty and clumsy in their smears. Remember, you get the government that you are willing to tolerate. When a significant portion of the populace will no longer tolerate the government we have, it will demand and get change. Unlike some systems of government, where that sort of action would be insurrection, in our system the right of the people to control the government is enshrined in our founding documents.
ABC, Ross Under Withering Fire for Tea Party Link to Shooting::
ABC, Ross Under Withering Fire for Tea Party Link to Shooting::
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Banking Crisis, Who Will Pay?
Who will pay for the sins of the Banksters? The rich or poor? The innocent or the guilty? This short article lays it out clearly.
A Crisis Veiled in Public Spectacle::'s really wrong with the banks
A Crisis Veiled in Public Spectacle::'s really wrong with the banks
Retail Sales Signalling Trouble
"Translated into an annual number, and adjusted for inflation; the 0.5% number reported for June is transformed into a collapse in U.S. retail sales at an annual rate of 16%. The 0.2% decline reported in May becomes a plunge of well in excess of 12% (annually). Which of these numbers "misleads" people, and which informs them?"
U.S. Retail Collapse Accelerates by Jeff Nielson::
U.S. Retail Collapse Accelerates by Jeff Nielson::
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Banksters Get Caught Helping Gangsters
HSBC boss quits for failing to stop money laundering - Telegraph::
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Bovill Days
Yesterday was a swirl of activity that left many candidates drained, but not Bouma who was flush with success after wiping out the competition and taking the trophy in the Bovill Tidy Bowl race in which toilet mounted contestants propel their carts forward.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
In their dissenting opinion some of our SCOTUS justices said:"The Court has been informed by distinguished economists that the Act’s Individual Mandate
and Medicaid expansion would each increase revenues to the insurance industry by about $350 billion
over 10 years; that this combined figure of $700 billion is necessary to offset the approximately $700
billion in new costs to the insurance industry imposed by the Act’s insurance regulations and taxes; and
that the new $700 billion burden would otherwise dwarf the industry’s current profit margin.”
So the government has made it more expensive to insure the customer, and at the same time has guaranteed more revenue to the biggest players in insurance. For decades in Idaho we have kept a barrier up to insurance companies wanting to compete here. Suddenly the same people who have opposed free-market forces/reforms all along are claiming their heavily regulated and controlled exchange will result in more competition. I am afraid the public is getting lied to again. The only winners in this sleazy pact are big government and big corporate interests. It is time we found out who really wrote Obamacare, I think it would explain a lot of this corporate fascism.
Gresham Bouma
and Medicaid expansion would each increase revenues to the insurance industry by about $350 billion
over 10 years; that this combined figure of $700 billion is necessary to offset the approximately $700
billion in new costs to the insurance industry imposed by the Act’s insurance regulations and taxes; and
that the new $700 billion burden would otherwise dwarf the industry’s current profit margin.”
So the government has made it more expensive to insure the customer, and at the same time has guaranteed more revenue to the biggest players in insurance. For decades in Idaho we have kept a barrier up to insurance companies wanting to compete here. Suddenly the same people who have opposed free-market forces/reforms all along are claiming their heavily regulated and controlled exchange will result in more competition. I am afraid the public is getting lied to again. The only winners in this sleazy pact are big government and big corporate interests. It is time we found out who really wrote Obamacare, I think it would explain a lot of this corporate fascism.
Gresham Bouma
Monday, July 9, 2012
Disabled "Recovery"
A real recovery shows up with vigorous private sector job growth. But as this article notes: "The number of people with jobs is still nearly 5 million below its pre-recession peak." And programs that pay people not to work are the essence of this "recovery".
3.1 Million Workers Join Disability Ranks Vs. 2.6 Million That Got Jobs In Obama Recovery -
3.1 Million Workers Join Disability Ranks Vs. 2.6 Million That Got Jobs In Obama Recovery -
Friday, July 6, 2012
Government Lies
The storm builds and approaches. While it is fascinating to watch the financial fireworks overseas, it begs the question, what will the grand finale look like? If it works its way up the chain to the world histories biggest debtor, we will not be able to say it came without warning. Centralized control over everything from money to medicine has proven itself a failure every time it has been tried, but don't expect those who are drunk with power to promote the principles of freedom from the top down. It must come from the bottom up. Our own history proves the wonders of individual liberties and a morally restrained government, so the question before us is, which history will we repeat? The failed policies of socialism, or the policies which once defined us as a nation?
My Blog::
My Blog::
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Dear Fellow Stockholders
I just wanted to share this update on "our" company (GM). Seriously, have our politicians done such a good job with our nation's financial management that we want them managing everything from manufacturing to medicine? The truth is that the free market is organic in its action. Like a living organism the life death cycle is a health maintaining dynamic. Old companies die, and young, vibrant, competitive businesses buy their assets on sale and make the assets productive again. Corruption, incompetence, and lethargy get punished in a free market but not when the politically well-connected are all deemed too big to fail and are bailed out by politicians.
General Motors Stock At 2012 Low, Lifting Loss Taxpayer Losses To Nearly $35 Billion by Andrew Malcolm -
General Motors Stock At 2012 Low, Lifting Loss Taxpayer Losses To Nearly $35 Billion by Andrew Malcolm -
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Luna and the IEA Make the WSJ
McGurn: Son of Scott Walker -
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Monday, July 2, 2012
Welcome to Unlimited Government
If government can tax anything it wants, at any rate it wants, it has unlimited control.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
The Other Big Hole
Today's Suppreme Court decision highlights another seldom talked about hole in the Constitutional fence. We all know about the Commerce Clause, but no one talks about tax code. While the 16th Amendment gives the Federal government the power to tax income, was the intent behind it to give the government the power to manage its citizens' behavior through the vehicle of tax code? If the Federal government can tax any behavior it wants at any level it wants, it has absolute control over all behavior. Today's court decision proves that.
Gresham Bouma
Gresham Bouma
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
European Banks Tottering
With banks in Europe being downgraded in mass, facing bank runs, and needing trillions in gifts, we are getting a stark look at the consequences of our own policies. Stockton California is working on filing bankruptcy, it is the largest city in our history to do so. California itself, the 9th largest economy in the world, is in no better shape. Nationwide, as well, it begs a question. Will the answer be to centralize power and increase statism, or will we recognize that liberal government policies, central control, and out of control spending have led us to pauper's prison?
My Blog::
My Blog::
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
Panic in the New World Order
This article is an excellent overview of where Europe is right now, I highly recommend it. Ultimately because of derivatives, currency swaps, loans and our own precarious financial position, their problems are our problems.
Reality Check: 20120622 | thePOOG::
Reality Check: 20120622 | thePOOG::
Obama World's Assasinator in Chief
This article in the Asia Times is part of what the world is reading about us. With domestic drone surveillance approved, it is not just an international issue.
Terminator Planet: How America Became an Empire of Drones | | AlterNet::
Terminator Planet: How America Became an Empire of Drones | | AlterNet::
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Leftist Tolerance
This reminds me of lectures I have recieved from the left on tolerance.
Activists Take Out Frustration on ... Ronald Reagan | The Weekly Standard::
Activists Take Out Frustration on ... Ronald Reagan | The Weekly Standard::
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Thursday, June 14, 2012
You Can't Make This Kind of Stuff Up
As part of Spain's rescue, Italy, with about a 120% debt to GDP ratio, is borrowing at over 6%, and then lending to Spain at 3%. Who will lend to Italy next week? Spain? More likely, you will.
Nigel Farage, Europe's One Sane Politician
Nigel calls it like it is in the European Parliament in this two-minute clip. But remember the entire banking system is interconnected, and we, the world's biggest debtor, are also the world's rescuer.
The Genius of Mutual Indebtedness - Nigel Farage - YouTube::
The Genius of Mutual Indebtedness - Nigel Farage - YouTube::
Monday, June 11, 2012
Swimming in the St. Joe
My son Josh and I after taking a refeshing plunge in the St. Joe River on Memorial Day. The fishing was good, the swimming was brisk.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Is the central government the sole and final judge of the extent/constitutionality of its own power?
Rethinking America’s Supreme Judicial Dictatorship by Thomas DiLorenzo::
Rethinking America’s Supreme Judicial Dictatorship by Thomas DiLorenzo::
Socialized Medicine's Reality
Doctors back denial of treatment for smokers and the obese | Society | The Observer::
Are Americans Trusting the Government More Than Ever?
Or are we beginning to wake up even as the Federal government desperately accumulates all the power it can, as quickly as it can? Why are the most sophisticated weapons of war being deployed within our borders? Check out judge Napolitano:
Where Is the Outrage? by Andrew P. Napolitano::
Where Is the Outrage? by Andrew P. Napolitano::
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Quintessential Liberal
Christine Lagarde, the IMF boss, pulls down a huge salary, tax free (just like a UN employee) which pays her to lecture others on paying their fair share. It seems to me that liberalism always pay homage to elitists like her, be it in politics, education, or the financial circles. They aren't hypocrites because they are truly superior to the rest of us and deserve special treatment.
Lagarde On Taxes And Diplomacy: It's All TurboTax To Me | ZeroHedge::
Lagarde On Taxes And Diplomacy: It's All TurboTax To Me | ZeroHedge::
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
When Will the Dominoes Fall?
Raoul Pal "The End Game" - Business Insider::
Greece, just one of many wake-up calls.
This Is What A Country On The Brink Of Collapse Looks Like - Business Insider::
This Is What A Country On The Brink Of Collapse Looks Like - Business Insider::
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Quote of the day
"Banks and their governments are propping each other up like Friday night drunks.” The Economist magazine
Monday, June 4, 2012
Market Instability
Even the biggest and best scams eventually stop working, as this article observes: "The conclusions point to the need for a complete reset of the financial systems, as capitalism and central bank intervention (money printing) no longer have any real effect on economic growth." Do we want the same thieves in charge after a "complete reset"? Maybe it's not a good idea that the banksters can drain everyone's financial assets of value by cranking up the virtual printing presses at will. Whether these rumors about Pimco and JP are true or not, we are on a dangerous, fraud laden, and unsustainable path.
Market rumor: Pimco and JP Morgan halt vacations to prepare for economic crash - National Finance Examiner |
Market rumor: Pimco and JP Morgan halt vacations to prepare for economic crash - National Finance Examiner |
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Who Supports the FDA Gestapo?
Apparently all the Dems do. I am dissapointed only a few Republicans were will to oppose it. Let's work to stop these agencies at the state line.
Here Are the 15 Senators Who Voted to Stop Armed FDA Agents From Conducting Warrantless Raids on America's Farmers (Not One of Them is a Democrat) - Hit & Run :
Here Are the 15 Senators Who Voted to Stop Armed FDA Agents From Conducting Warrantless Raids on America's Farmers (Not One of Them is a Democrat) - Hit & Run :
Anyone that thinks our current recession is cyclical needs to get off the drugs. Our problems are chronic just like Europe's are, and all part of the same storm seeded by government action, then exacerbated by more of it.
Number of the Week: Half of U.S. Lives in Household Getting Benefits - Real Time Economics - WSJ::
Number of the Week: Half of U.S. Lives in Household Getting Benefits - Real Time Economics - WSJ::
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
NDAA/Indefinite Detention
While Americans prepared to celebrate Memorial Day, honoring those who have given their lives for freedom, freedom's opponents make strategic political and legal moves in DC.
On Indefinite Detention: The Tyranny Continues | Ron Paul |
On Indefinite Detention: The Tyranny Continues | Ron Paul |
Friday, May 18, 2012
At What Percent?
A while back the Wall Street Journal reported that 61% of last year’s Federal borrowing was funded by the printing press. We just created digital money and lent it to ourselves. My question is, at what percent will America’s people recognize the problem? If 80% of our borrowing came from the printing presses, would that make headlines in all our newspapers? What if 100% of our debt was sourced from our own Central Bank, would we then care? I don’t know.
Right now in Euro land, one of the PIIGS is looking like it is going to exit the herd. It is believed that it (Greece) will be better off because once it has its own printing press again it will be able to pay its debt and lend to itself as needed. It could, no doubt, work for a while—it seems to be working for US. What is missing, however, is an exit strategy. The reason countries get to this point is that they have borrowed more than they can afford to repay. When they turn to the printing press, the problem of too much debt neither goes away nor does it get better. It just defers and exacerbates. You just turn what would have been a bad cold into pneumonia.
It looks to me like our own ship of state is run by a crew of pirates composed of political, financial, academic, and media elitists. Every single one of those categories should be sounding the alarm on overspending, not helping bury us in debt. The latest category of debt to explode has been student loans. Who are we going to lend to next to get another bump in GDP? Maybe our high school students? After that let’s try the grammar school kids.
Our ship of state was not really designed to be one giant vessel. It was instead to be a flotilla of 52 ships capable of coming together against common enemies. If one got into trouble, there would be others to rescue. With 52 captains and crews you could not pirate the whole fleet. But what has always happened, has happened. Governments accumulate. Bureaucracies grow. Power corrupts.
So where do we go from here? Well, we could start by recognizing the problem. Until you identify a problem it is impossible to solve it, so let’s admit that our government has gotten way too big and too centralized. Both those problems are largely addressed by returning to constitutionally limited government. To get there we need our state governments to be the checks and balances in the system that they’re supposed to be. While DC will not give up power voluntarily, the states can start strategically taking some back. Ultimately it would be nice to have 52 ships manned with crews that would refuse to act on unconstitutional orders, but lets start with Idaho. The Constitution is the line we should not have crossed. Our Constitution has not failed us, we have failed it, and in doing so each other.
Right now in Euro land, one of the PIIGS is looking like it is going to exit the herd. It is believed that it (Greece) will be better off because once it has its own printing press again it will be able to pay its debt and lend to itself as needed. It could, no doubt, work for a while—it seems to be working for US. What is missing, however, is an exit strategy. The reason countries get to this point is that they have borrowed more than they can afford to repay. When they turn to the printing press, the problem of too much debt neither goes away nor does it get better. It just defers and exacerbates. You just turn what would have been a bad cold into pneumonia.
It looks to me like our own ship of state is run by a crew of pirates composed of political, financial, academic, and media elitists. Every single one of those categories should be sounding the alarm on overspending, not helping bury us in debt. The latest category of debt to explode has been student loans. Who are we going to lend to next to get another bump in GDP? Maybe our high school students? After that let’s try the grammar school kids.
Our ship of state was not really designed to be one giant vessel. It was instead to be a flotilla of 52 ships capable of coming together against common enemies. If one got into trouble, there would be others to rescue. With 52 captains and crews you could not pirate the whole fleet. But what has always happened, has happened. Governments accumulate. Bureaucracies grow. Power corrupts.
So where do we go from here? Well, we could start by recognizing the problem. Until you identify a problem it is impossible to solve it, so let’s admit that our government has gotten way too big and too centralized. Both those problems are largely addressed by returning to constitutionally limited government. To get there we need our state governments to be the checks and balances in the system that they’re supposed to be. While DC will not give up power voluntarily, the states can start strategically taking some back. Ultimately it would be nice to have 52 ships manned with crews that would refuse to act on unconstitutional orders, but lets start with Idaho. The Constitution is the line we should not have crossed. Our Constitution has not failed us, we have failed it, and in doing so each other.
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