Sunday, December 23, 2012

Opting for Safety in our Schools

Here is a suggestion for improving security for our kids while restoring rights rather than giving them up. The answer could be a voucher system for our schools. It would allow parents to pick the school that they felt appropriately addressed security. The power to decide whether all the teachers should be trained and qualified to carry would rest with, gasp, parents. If they wanted to send their children into a"gun free zone”, they could opt for a school that did that. If they wanted to have their kids attend a school that taught moral restraints on behavior, they could opt for that. If they wanted to choose excellence in academics…
You get the gist. Cut the free market loose to not only reduce costs, boost performance, but also keep our children safe. There is no excuse for collectivizing all these decisions and robbing the parents of critical choices while draining their financial resources paying premium prices for an inferior and unsafe product. Here in Idaho the Union let us know that they control the schools, how about giving parents the chance to opt out of the union controlled system?

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