Monday, December 24, 2012

Christians Targeted in Syria

Christians are being murdered by the thugs Obama is arming. "He was stopped at a rebel checkpoint near the state-run bakery," says Rim. "The rebels knew he was a Christian. They took him and then threw his dead body in front of the door of his parent's house four or five hours later."
Christians Flee from Radical Rebels in Syria - SPIEGEL ONLINE::

How Egypt's Military Has Used Our Weapons

"After their churches were repeatedly attacked and burned in October 2011, Egypt's Coptic Christians took to the streets of Alexandria in protest. The response from the Egyptian military was swift and brutal. The army opened fire into the crowd and then charged in with armored personnel carriers, running over the Christians. At least 25 Christians were killed and many more injured." The US media lends their stamp of approval by their silence.
Muslim Brotherhood and the killing and persecution of Christians in Egypt - Watertown Tea Party |

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Opting for Safety in our Schools

Here is a suggestion for improving security for our kids while restoring rights rather than giving them up. The answer could be a voucher system for our schools. It would allow parents to pick the school that they felt appropriately addressed security. The power to decide whether all the teachers should be trained and qualified to carry would rest with, gasp, parents. If they wanted to send their children into a"gun free zone”, they could opt for a school that did that. If they wanted to have their kids attend a school that taught moral restraints on behavior, they could opt for that. If they wanted to choose excellence in academics…
You get the gist. Cut the free market loose to not only reduce costs, boost performance, but also keep our children safe. There is no excuse for collectivizing all these decisions and robbing the parents of critical choices while draining their financial resources paying premium prices for an inferior and unsafe product. Here in Idaho the Union let us know that they control the schools, how about giving parents the chance to opt out of the union controlled system?

UBS Gets Nailed for What Fed Does All The Time

The Federal Reserve is constantly doing what these other banks are facing huge fines for. The Fed warps markets, transfers wealth, and does its financial represion with impunity as long as it kicks loose money the Federal Government's direction. Incidentally, it creates money at the stroke of a key, but the interest it charges is honestly earned by the hard labor of ordinary Americans.
Highlights - How UBS manipulated interest rates | Reuters::

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Jim Rickards on Latest QE

Jim Rickards is enormously qualified to speak to the latest round of QE by the Fed.
Jim Rickards: the Fed is Racing to Create Inflation Before the US Economy Implodes! - YouTube::

How the Wizards Work

This short video helps explain how the Fed can keep interest rates below historic record lows for so long. Of course, the bigger the fraud and more distorted the markets, the more painful the consequences. It looks like the biggest buyer of Treasuries (the Fed) is also selling Puts on the same assets that make up their own balance sheet (which they created money out of nothing to buy in the first place). So did they teach Goldman Sachs how to do this kind of stuff, or vice versa? It is interesting to note that the Germans, who have these kind of shenanegans in their recent history, are buying massive amounts of gold lately.
FRAUD: Federal Reserve Is Selling Put Options On Treasury Bonds To Drive Down Yields - YouTube::

Dan Norcini Summs It Up

Dan argues, just as the man-on-the-street knows in his gut, that our financial bankruptcy as a nation stems from our moral bankruptcy. But as long as "in the Federal Reserve we trust" the scam goes on since the "value" of the dollar is upheld by the faith put in it, not by how badly it is being abused by the financial wizards.
My Blog::

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Appropriate Response to the Feds

Tell them if it is not enumerated in the Constitution, not one of their limited, delegated powers, it's none of their business.
South Carolina Bill Proposes Jail Time for Feds Trying to Enforce Obamacare – Tenth Amendment Center Blog::

Rick Santelli Rants

Santelli On False Dictatorships And Fed Exit Strategies | ZeroHedge::

Thursday, December 13, 2012

On War and Politics

What if you sent your generals to war with the instructions that they always advance, even if an ambush is laid for them?

Good Policy, Bad Strategy

While it is very good policy to hold the line on raising taxes on anyone, it is bad strategy right now in DC. The left has set up the so called "fiscal cliff" to be the cause of the next recession when in actuality it is going to happen no matter what, due to the following: Obamacare, the constant stealth tax via the printing presses, and our history of parabolic overspending in DC. The only question now is who is being set up to get the blame, and the answer is us. Obama wants to go over the cliff so he can blame the Republicans for the next stage down economically. He gets everything he wants if we go over the cliff: higher taxes, lower military spending and the ability to blame the Republicans for the next "recession". And he can follow it up with tax cuts to the middle class and some restored military spending (which we will cooperate with) and get to pose as someone looking out for those two groups. A strategic retreat is in order if we are to put him in check-mate instead of he, us. If our House republicans see all that, don't confuse an arguably good strategy with bad policy. I hope they point out all the things above, grudgingly give him his way on taxing the rich, and leave him owning the economic trouble coming our way.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Otter Ignores Grassroots

High level/establishment Republicans despise genuine, liberty loving conservatives. Otter wanted this from the start, so the fight is in/for the legislature, as it has been all along.
Gov. Otter Says Idaho Should Build Its Own Health Insurance Exchange | StateImpact Idaho::

Friday, December 7, 2012

Reasons to Reject Obamacare

Idaho's people are becoming more and more aware of PPACA's economic damage. It, however, has many more problems that will come with it.

It is first of all morally reprehensible since it requires insurance to cover abortifacients. I will go to jail before I buy insurance that covers these things.

Obamacare also hijacks medicine and is a corrupt gift to big medicine and insurance. If the pharmaceuticals didn’t help write it, I’ll take some.

It is a regulatory maze that will expand big government. It grows the government when we desperately need to shrink it--before it swallows the whole economy.

It will exacerbate our doctor shortage as well, since doctor payments will be cut and bureaucrats hired.

It will increase the cost of medicine, and additionally load us down with new taxes.

It is a revolutionary threat to privacy with your medical and financial data all in one database.

Its effect on jobs nation-wide is already being felt, so expect a hard blow to Idaho tax revenue if we implement it here.

If tax revenue takes a hit, expect more cuts in state funding to the University of Idaho.

With the costs of chronic diseases overwhelming the system, what we need is free and open competition among different schools of medicine. Obamacare will drive Naturopaths and complementary treatments even deeper into the black market.

It should be painfully obvious that one of the things driving this is the exploding Medicare costs nationwide. Obamacare gives the government a tool for rationing the care of our baby-boomers (think of ten years from now). And it won’t be easy to simply buy your way around it, since those that try will be competing with thousands of other seniors doing the same thing and vying for a shrinking pool of doctors.

And the following verse is for the corporate theives and government slugs:
For in vain is a net spread in the sight of any bird, but these men lie in wait for their own blood; they set an ambush for their own lives. Such are the ways of everyone who is greedy for unjust gain; it takes away the life of its possessors. Prov. 1:17-19

Obama is Pro Islamist

Obama is all for the rebels, unless they are not radical Islamists.
Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohammed Morsi in distress; Obama administration sending reinforcements | Walid Shoebat::

Attention Farm Bureau Members

This is your chance to stand for sustainable medicine, free markets, small business, and oppose the corruption of medicine and our form of government. Please go to this link and voice opposition to all the crap in Obamacare.
Idaho Farm Bureau Legislative Action Program::

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Don't Take the Bait

The federal government must get states to voluntarily subject their populations to the horrors of Obamacare and its taxes. Please demand that Idaho just say no!
Why Idaho shouldn’t set up health exchange - Idaho Press-Tribune: Members::

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Government Painting Charts

This article shows in part how government paints the manufacturing chart. It simply has to get Government Motors to cooperate in putting pressure on its dealer network to increase inventory. In economic reporting Government paints the GDP chart with deficit spending. Employment figures, the government publishes, ignore the impact of discouraged workers, part time work and shrinking wages. The chronic economic disaster is hidden systematically and in numerous ways. Virtual bread lines are over 47 million long and do you really believe we are in recovery? While negotiations to deepen the debt hole (raise the ceiling?) get the spotlight, expect Obamacare to do the real damage as businesses cut hours, drop insurance, and in some cases simply close the doors. But the media keeps the spotlight where they want it, and so bright that all the important stuff is in the shadows. Benghazi? So what? Obamacare? Who cares? Total debt? Sustainability is adding to it indefinitely. Our leaders pretend it is all legitimate, and the king parades naked while the tailors rob the blind, gapping crowd.
GM Channel Stuffing WTF!? | ZeroHedge::

Atlas Shrugging?

Atlas shrugs every time a business goes overseas in search of a more friendly business climate or to stay competitive (alive). Atlas shrugs every time a small business person hides income. And Atlas will probably shrug some more as the impact of Obamacare drives entreprenuers and small businesses to simply throw in the towel during the coming year.
My Blog::

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

America's Shrinking Net Worth

To win economically you must produce more than you consume, and invest the difference. We have not done that here in the land of the free for at least 3 decades and our days of reconing appear to be pretty close. One of these days it will be time to stop feeding the parasite. It will be time to just throw in the towel, declare government the winner, and all rush to the low side of the ship and just let it roll over. While it promises to be a nasty event, the longer it is put off, the less the likelihood that the old ship will ever right itself once it happens. If you don't like to sound of that, well then it is time to fight for your freedom. Start by calling all your state legislators to oppose a state managed Obamacare Exchange. Remind them that Idaho is supposed to be a sovereign entity. Learn your history. Understand your rights to life, liberty, and property. Pay attention to what your children are taught in school, it is your God-given responsibilty. If we let the socialists (Secular Humanists) teach the next generation, don't expect the next generation to believe in unalienable (God-given) rights to life, liberty, and property.
Study: American Households Hit 43-Year Low In Net Worth « CBS DC::

Monday, December 3, 2012

Asia Times "Post US World"

The world correctly sees us as a nation in rapid decline, and the foreign press is willing to say things that our own media will just cover up. Our decline is not inevitable, it is our own choice. To succeed economically is not complex. You simply must produce more than you consume, and invest the difference. We have not done that for decades and instead pretend to mandate prosperity for all, while really giving power and wealth to the politically favored. Also of interest is that half way around the world they know how economically destructive Obamacare is even while I can scarcely get support for a resolution opposing it within our local Republican Party. Consider this quote from the article: "And America's strength as an innovator and incubator of entrepreneurs has diminished drastically since the 2008 crisis, no thanks to the Obama administration, which imposed a steep task on start-up businesses in the form of its healthcare program."
Asia Times Online :: Post-US world born in Phnom Penh::