I have been sounding the alarm on our debt/spending/money supply problem since I started writing letters to the editor. I believe Ron Paul said it best: that if we could really continue what we are doing with our money indefinitely, Americans would never have to work again. We would just supply the world with currency, and they would support us for it. But we are like a brewing company which is continually watering down its product, eventually the patrons will notice. No matter how drunk they are. Even if they want to defer the hangover as long as possible. You get too liberal with the hose and their demand for what you are selling will dry up. All it takes are a few loud, belligerent complainers and the party is over.
The implications of no longer being able to move tomorrow’s spending into today are serious. We would lose the subsidy to our lifestyle that we have come to rely on over the course of decades. To go beyond that and actually begin to pay down our debt would be even more of a challenge. But to ignore it all and continue to print more dollars to lend to ourselves is a cheap trick that will eventually be exposed. I have read that financial prudence is not a winning platform and therefore America will continue its degenerate path; but I believe that there is a common-sense sector in our society that recognizes that governments are incapable of miracles. They know that Madoffs eventually get punished and Enrons are exposed, but not without a lot of innocent people getting hurt along with them.
It is time to get rid of all the bums that have perpetuated the fraud and theft that this amounts to, and vote people into office that have some foresight and integrity. It is time for leaders who won’t spend us into poverty, regulate us into immobility, all while making themselves rich. Let’s change the leadership in this country starting at the state and local level and work all the way up. It is time to opt for the hangover instead of the blood poisoning.
Vote Bouma for Idaho Senate.