Tuesday, April 20, 2010

TEA Party / Liberty Rally

photos courtesy of Daniel Foucachon
April 15, 2010 - Friendship Square, Moscow
What a great day for a rally! Over 400 liberty-loving people turned out to celebrate the principles of freedom, liberty and limited government.

Gresham stepped onto the stage after a heartfelt endorsement by Ethan Wright (board member of Palouse Liberty Project) with a crowd-rousing greeting.  "We need to be peaceful, but we don't need to be quiet. Let's hear it for Liberty! "

And over 400 voices responded with heart and spirit, letting loose a huge cheer, the first of several to erupt as Gresham shared how he embarked on the journey for elected office and the importance of getting involved on a local and state level.

Speaking of which, if you haven't yet clicked on the 'be a part of it, Volunteer'  button in the right sidebar, will you do so today?  Latah County needs liberty-minded people to step up and join the battle.  Gresham is willing to serve in Boise, but he needs the good people of District 6 to stand with him.  That button will take you to a form, where you can indicate the different ways you can help.

And if you haven't yet donated to his campaign, would you please give it serious thought?  Unseating an entrenched incumbent is a difficult task requiring resources and a groundswell of grassroots support.  Even small donations add up, and Gresham is grateful for every single dollar invested in the effort to send a strong, conservative voice to Boise.

Thank you for your support, Latah County voters!
On May 25th, vote Gresham Bouma,  For Liberty.  For the People.

Below are Gresham's Rally remarks:

I don’t know about you, but I’ve noticed a few problems with our government lately. Here is a little list: our country is being bankrupted by the political class, industry is being driven overseas, our freedoms are being turned into slavery, the burden of government is growing even as the private sector is shrinking, government reporting is full of fraud, transparency a broken promise, big government bailing out corrupt big business with taxpayer money, rural Idaho itself being attacked through the introduction of the wolf, and the list goes on.

In the face of all that, I felt helpless. I had no ability to impact DC. All the phone calls, e-mails were falling on deaf ears.

I decided that trying to change DC directly was a waste of time. By myself I was one meaningless voice with no leverage, and DC was a stronghold. I concluded two things: 1) that it is time for all of us who love our country to become much more engaged, and 2) we needed to use the state to impact the federal government.

I looked for someone to support to send to our state legislature, someone who understood that almost every problem I was seeing was solved if we simply followed the Constitution. I was not seeing what I hoped for, so engaging for me meant running for office to join with others to assert Idaho’s interest in the Constitution.

We need to demand this of our state representatives: that they make Idaho a line of defense for “we the people”.

Those responsible for putting us where we are need to go. We need to replace them with those who will protect the unalienable rights to life, liberty and property. We need to hold our state and local governments to these old standards that define the purpose of government. It is time for phone calls, letters and e-mails to our state officials. Let's let them know that the people of Idaho want some protection. If the states will do their job we can win this battle. But it won’t happen if we all don’t engage. 

I am excited. We can do this! All across this great land people are waking up to the importance of state sovereignty.  They need our help, and we need theirs. Let's change Latah County for freedom. If we change Latah, we change Idaho. If we change Idaho, we are changing the United States.

May God Almighty and His Son, my Lord, grant us success.
Gresham Bouma,
4/15/2010 Tea Party Rally
Moscow, Idaho

posted by P. Bauer
Campaign Manager

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