Sunday, April 18, 2010

Unalienable Rights and Rule of Law

Unalienable rights are fundamental to our system of government. They were the justification for our Declaration of Independence. It was in defense of these rights that our founding fathers risked and gave their lives. The same principle that made these rights unalienable gave us what we call the “rule of law”. Both unalienable rights and the rule of law are the result of believing that there is a set of moral laws that exists above all men and all governments. Our founding fathers understood the Ten Commandments to be a summary of this moral law. Therefore, the Commandments, and Christianity itself, provided the foundation of our system of government, and our system of justice. Individual rights are a product of Christianity because first of all God made man in His own image—giving dignity to the individual; God also says that He is the defender of the powerless, the weak, and the vulnerable—ultimately He will see that justice is done; and God's moral law applies to all of the human race from the most powerful to the least. The attack on this philosophical basis for our govt. has come from the humanist philosophy and its Theory of Evolution. The Theory of Evolution gives you no basis for individual rights or a rule of law. The individual does not matter, only the species. Compassion, care for the weak , helpless, aged, handicapped and/or powerless are not encouraged since they contribute only to the weakening of the species or wasting of resources. There are no moral absolutes, no ultimate accountability to a higher authority. It should be no surprise at all that we witness the “rule of law” being violated and our system of government being dismantled before our very eyes. We have destroyed its foundation and are left with the racist Darwin and his admirer Marx to guide us.