Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Jim Rickards

The really smart guys can take complex issues and communicate them clearly. Jim is really smart and has an outstanding resume. Please check out the interview.

  Part II:

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

$2tn debt crisis threatens to bring down 100 US cities | Business | The Guardian

The debt crisis rolls forward, working its way up. Everyone and every government entity lived high on the hog on borrowed money and the game is ending and becoming more desperate. Wait till it hits the treasuries/the dollar.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

Eurozone debt crisis spreads to Belgium on rising political risk - Telegraph

Europe tottering to the brink of financial chaos.


The more loudly that the government and press declare that inflation is low, the more we should examine our household expenses. archive/2010.12.08 Bernanke.htm

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Post from greshambouma at CHUM.LY

Why Reward Incompetence, Corruption and Betrayal?

As we head into the coming crisis brought on by our own government, we need to consider some important questions. Even as government solutions are failing us, we will be urged and tempted to trust government institutions with more power, authority and revenue.

But does Social Security have any security at all? We should all recognize that it is a system heading into crisis. In the year 2009 we had about 10 people entering the work force for every individual retiring. By 2023 we will have 10 people retiring for every person entering the work force. We have known this for years, yet recently big government Republicans under Bush's leadership compounded the problem by adding (socialized) old age drug"benefits”, a huge bribe/gift to the pharmaceuticals guaranteeing sales without free market cost/profit constraints. State pension systems around the nation are in no better shape than the national one, the result of years of state politicians making politically expedient promises paid for in the future with other peoples earnings.

Is education in any better shape? The solution is always to centralize more power, control and curriculum. It does not seem to matter that the more we do so, the worse the system performs.

How about the decision to trust politicians with our currency? In 1913 they gave control over to the banksters in order to avoid some short term fluctuations in liquidity. Since then liquidity is the solution to everything with debt and inflation threatening the viability of our entire system and institutions like Goldman Sachs walking away with world record government sponsored and protected profits. And they don't even thank the taxpayer.

How about energy policy? How are the socialists doing at that? Lobbying recently directed critical financial resources into ethanol, making us less secure and more dependent on imports, meanwhile the same government interferes with domestic energy development in the West, Alaska, and the Gulf of Mexico. As the dollar loses its status as the world
reserve currency, we will have to give as much as we get in international trade. How will we afford the fuel we need to function as an economy?

Socialism is Communism by evolution instead of revolution. Their plan is working wonderfully. They do not have a conspiracy, rather an agenda which can be documented. You can look up their plans by reading Cloward & Piven, Saul Alinsky, John Dewey, the Fabian Societies ideas...

For us the real question is, as government institutions fail and betray us completely, are we going to trust them with more power, authority and revenue? Or will we turn back toward freedom, individual responsibility, unalienable rights, rule of short the constitutionally limited government we once had and prospered under?

Gresham Bouma

Munis Crushed... Again

This graph shows municipal bond activity over the last several months. When this same pattern shows up in Treasuries, look out below.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Market alarm as US fails to control biggest debt in history - Telegraph

Spiking interest rates can lead to spiking interest rates as they make debt service more expensive and therefore make it obvious that we owe more than we can ever honestly repay.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Post from greshambouma at CHUM.LY

The problem with trying to live at the expense of others is that others don't like it much. They stop producing and try to live at someone else's expense too. And pretty soon, you have a nation of poor zombies...feeding on the little living flesh still left alive.
--Bill Bonner (Daily Reckoning)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Chris Whalen

Wave of foreclosures coming, banks on life support by taxpayers, states defaulting on debt, price inflation in necessities while wages deflate, Europe crisis to intensify...

  "We Understand Bank Of America's Problem - They Are Completely INSOLVENT!" (Video) - Home - The Daily Bail:

Friday, December 10, 2010

Wall Street's Worst at Least Can Do the Math

Without justice our system will not right itself. At their heart all the issues that matter are moral. When crooks are no longer in charge and fraud is not longer rewarded their will be "hope" for meaningful "change".

  Jonathan Weil - Bloomberg:

Post from greshambouma at CHUM.LY

It's taken almost two centuries for bankers to pull the wool over Americans' eyes, but today you and I are working for intrinsically worthless paper that can be created by bureaucrats — created without sweat, without creative ability, without work, without anything but a decision by the Federal Reserve. This is the disease at the base of today's monetary system. And like a cancer, it will spread until the system ultimately falls apart. This is the tragedy of the great lie. The great lie is that fiat paper represents a store of value, money of lasting wealth.- Richard Russell

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Global bond rout deepens on US fiscal worries - Telegraph

US debt beginning to get a little of the spotlight. Foreign governments, financial experts, even the always blindly optimistic debt rating agencies are concerned. Remember, destroy your currency and you destroy commerce. How long could we muddle along without any oil imports?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Walker's World

Every time the market demands strong medicine, the central planners intervene to mask the symptoms, feeding the disease and rolling all the problems into one big event.

  The euro's endgame -

J.P. Morgan Getting Squeezed In Silver Market? (SLV, JPM)

Can anything good come out of San Francisco? Just another Black Swan event.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Mounting Debts by States Stoke Fears of Crisis -

Insolvent states, to go along with insolvent households, nations and corporations carrying too much debt. But don't worry the American tax-payer can rescue them all.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Post from greshambouma at CHUM.LY

If the old economic law, "There is no such thing as a free lunch", is true then none of the stimulus programs will work since they all rob some part of the private sector. The only recovery will be in government spending while the sustainable, job producing, wealth creating sector is finished off. Don't tell me that all our highly educated manipulators at the federal level are doing this by accident.