Friday, October 28, 2011

Popularity of our Debt/Dollar Waining?

We have been extracting wealth from our printing presses for decades, but eventually that fraudulent game is up. The question is when. The PIIGS are being kept in the union because otherwise they will default through the printing press. We, on the other hand have had several rounds of QE and not been disciplined for it yet, but eventually the "gods of the copybook headings with terror and vengeance return". I just pray the smooth tonged (political and financial) wizards will not simply own it all when it is all said and done.
Foreigners Sell Second Largest Amount Of US Bonds Ever In Past Week, Record $93 Billion In US Paper Sold In Past 2 Months | ZeroHedge::

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Another US Debt Downgrade Expected

The first downgrade introduced some extreme market volatility. Eventually, downgrades equal rising interest rates, which for us equal insolvency.
U.S. rating likely to be downgraded again: Merrill | Reuters:

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Euro's Disaster Becoming More Obvious

Is our own accounting right behind theirs?
The single currency is close to collapse - Telegraph:

Collapse of the Euro Becoming Obvious

Producing little and consuming much never results in prosperity as the PIIGS are proving in Europe. And eventually those that earn their living through honest hard work get tired of giving a free ride to those that think the world owes them something, as Germany is demonstrating in the macro situation in Europe.
The single currency is close to collapse - Telegraph:

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Britain's Central Bank Panics

Britain's central bankers want to liquidate their currency some more. It is like spraying more water on the rigging of a ship in the North Sea, adding to the ice already at dangerous levels, but calling it flotation and forgetting the possibility of roll-over.
Panic stations: Bank's unanimous vote on QE bodes ill - Telegraph:

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ron Paul's Plan

Even this conservative news site calls this a radical plan. What is radical about it? I guess it is radical like a surgery that removes part of a large and growing tumor. It is also true that spending cuts of this order would disable the govt. from masking symptoms of the depression we are in. It would bring on economic pain like never before. But it would maybe avoid complete catastrophic failure of the federal government, the US dollar/debt, and our whole system of commerce. It is what we need to do.
Ron Paul: Cut Cabinet and President's Salary:

The War on Raw Milk Dairies

I would consider starting a raw milk dairy myself were it not for the threat of the FDA swat team showing up and dumping all my livelihood. The Estrellas were raided by the FDA, their production shut down, and were told to keep their cheese for evidence until the govt. got around to needing it. But cheese molds, so eventually they had to clean their cave out...and now they are also being charged for destroying evidence. In reality, what has been destroyed is their lives. Their award winning cheese business has bankrupted them since the cows kept eating, but the milk was suddenly contraband. How will this couple feed their bunch of adopted kids? While some of the liberals protest these acts, this is a direct result of abandoning a civil order based on a Christian worldview/moral and ethical system. This is what you get when government becomes the author of the law and sheds all accountability to the supreme law giver.
FDA Goes KGB | Help the Estrella Family Creamery:

Monday, October 17, 2011

Once Again it Begs the Question Who is Buying Our Treasuries?

Foreigners Dump $74 Billion In Treasurys In 6 Consecutive Weeks: Biggest Sequential Outflow In History | ZeroHedge:

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Debt Trap is Already Sprung

Europe's banks are insolvent because they hold sovereign debt. It looks like our banks are loading up on our debt right now because they are the only market left for it. This article hits it on the head and educates on the debt trap which has us in its vice.
Quantitative easing, or when there's nowhere left to run:

The Big Picture in Very Few Words

My Blog:

Thursday, October 6, 2011

IMF to Save Euro?

It looks like the Euro won't go down by itself.
'Whole Set of Options': IMF Offers to Dramatically Expand Euro-Zone Help - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International:,1518,790132,....html

Monday, October 3, 2011

Gold/Silver Derivatives Consentration

This issue is important because the struggle for freedom is inseparable from the fate of fiat currency. Without it the game is up for big government, big banking and much of the ultra-large corporate world. Fiat currencies are a critical tool for stripping wealth and manipulating markets and populace. This is an historic battle for survival for those that are constantly centralizing more power. It is also a battle for our own survival.
Jesse's Café Américain: The Anglo-American Precious Metals Derivatives Duopoly: Quarterly OCC Report: