Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Other Big Hole

Today's Suppreme Court decision highlights another seldom talked about hole in the Constitutional fence. We all know about the Commerce Clause, but no one talks about tax code. While the 16th Amendment gives the Federal government the power to tax income, was the intent behind it to give the government the power to manage its citizens' behavior through the vehicle of tax code? If the Federal government can tax any behavior it wants at any level it wants, it has absolute control over all behavior. Today's court decision proves that.

Gresham Bouma

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

European Banks Tottering

With banks in Europe being downgraded in mass, facing bank runs, and needing trillions in gifts, we are getting a stark look at the consequences of our own policies. Stockton California is working on filing bankruptcy, it is the largest city in our history to do so. California itself, the 9th largest economy in the world, is in no better shape. Nationwide, as well, it begs a question. Will the answer be to centralize power and increase statism, or will we recognize that liberal government policies, central control, and out of control spending have led us to pauper's prison?
My Blog::

Monday, June 25, 2012

Panic in the New World Order

This article is an excellent overview of where Europe is right now, I highly recommend it. Ultimately because of derivatives, currency swaps, loans and our own precarious financial position, their problems are our problems.
Reality Check: 20120622 | thePOOG::

Obama World's Assasinator in Chief

This article in the Asia Times is part of what the world is reading about us. With domestic drone surveillance approved, it is not just an international issue.
Terminator Planet: How America Became an Empire of Drones | | AlterNet::

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Leftist Tolerance

This reminds me of lectures I have recieved from the left on tolerance.
Activists Take Out Frustration on ... Ronald Reagan | The Weekly Standard::

Thursday, June 14, 2012

You Can't Make This Kind of Stuff Up

As part of Spain's rescue, Italy, with about a 120% debt to GDP ratio, is borrowing at over 6%, and then lending to Spain at 3%. Who will lend to Italy next week? Spain? More likely, you will.

Nigel Farage, Europe's One Sane Politician

Nigel calls it like it is in the European Parliament in this two-minute clip. But remember the entire banking system is interconnected, and we, the world's biggest debtor, are also the world's rescuer.
The Genius of Mutual Indebtedness - Nigel Farage - YouTube::

Monday, June 11, 2012

Swimming in the St. Joe

My son Josh and I after taking a refeshing plunge in the St. Joe River on Memorial Day. The fishing was good, the swimming was brisk.

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Is the central government the sole and final judge of the extent/constitutionality of its own power?
Rethinking America’s Supreme Judicial Dictatorship by Thomas DiLorenzo::

Socialized Medicine's Reality

Doctors back denial of treatment for smokers and the obese | Society | The Observer::

Are Americans Trusting the Government More Than Ever?

Or are we beginning to wake up even as the Federal government desperately accumulates all the power it can, as quickly as it can? Why are the most sophisticated weapons of war being deployed within our borders? Check out judge Napolitano:
Where Is the Outrage? by Andrew P. Napolitano::

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Quintessential Liberal

Christine Lagarde, the IMF boss, pulls down a huge salary, tax free (just like a UN employee) which pays her to lecture others on paying their fair share. It seems to me that liberalism always pay homage to elitists like her, be it in politics, education, or the financial circles. They aren't hypocrites because they are truly superior to the rest of us and deserve special treatment.
Lagarde On Taxes And Diplomacy: It's All TurboTax To Me | ZeroHedge::

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Quote of the day

"Banks and their governments are propping each other up like Friday night drunks.” The Economist magazine

Monday, June 4, 2012

Market Instability

Even the biggest and best scams eventually stop working, as this article observes: "The conclusions point to the need for a complete reset of the financial systems, as capitalism and central bank intervention (money printing) no longer have any real effect on economic growth." Do we want the same thieves in charge after a "complete reset"? Maybe it's not a good idea that the banksters can drain everyone's financial assets of value by cranking up the virtual printing presses at will. Whether these rumors about Pimco and JP are true or not, we are on a dangerous, fraud laden, and unsustainable path.
Market rumor: Pimco and JP Morgan halt vacations to prepare for economic crash - National Finance Examiner |