Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Post from greshambouma at CHUM.LY

Liberal biologists, climatologists, and academic or media members can speak to the facts with absolute authority because in their universe, since truth is subjective, they are the legitimate source. It is because of this liberal, subjective standard that they never get disciplined for making up facts, data, or stories. They remain faithful to their faith when they do so, and even if they believe in some kind of karma, the greater good they are seeking justifies the deception. Since facts take more time to disprove than to make up, it is a challenging battle for those defending the truth. And since the scientific method is all about objectively confirming truth, the term liberal scientist is an oxymoron, and indicates a person in serious conflict with himself, a battle that the truth frequently loses. Ultimately you have to ask yourself, who is more likely to tell you the truth, someone who does not believe that objective truth even exists, or someone who believes that liars go to hell. For the Christian, truth is the only legitimate option since we represent a God who proclaimed Himself the incarnation of Truth when He said: "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man comes to the Father but by Me". Like universal truths He is "the same yesterday, today, and forever".

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