Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Student Debt Bubble

In its latest (successful) attempt to exploit the future of its citizens our government has buried its young adults in a financial grave. Young adults were already indirect debtors with their share of the Federal Treasury debt, Social Security, and more, but over the last few years have been drawn into more debt (one Trillion) than they can carry even in the short term. To me, it looks like they are pawns being exploited in a desperate and corrupt system. To quote the article, "when it comes to young adults 18-24) in the US, the employment rate is just barely above half, or 54%, which just happens to be the lowest in 64 years...". By now it should be obvious, without a healthy economy to find a job in, more education is not the solution.
The First Crack: $270 Billion In Student Loans Are At Least 30 Days Delinquent | ZeroHedge:: www.zerohedge.com/news/first-crack-270-billion-stu...quent

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